bought a pair of pants and they are size 12. 12! I can't remember the last time I could fit into that size. I remember looking for size 13s in high school.
GustavoG! I'm afraid I'm not losing the weight properly AT ALL. I eat like crap, I just don't eat very much. I also found out yesterday that I have an ulcer so that has affected my appetite.
I have found that eating largely vegetarian and drinking black coffee does a lot for energy and dropping inches. The meats are often from meat-factories, thus full of things that affect our metabolism. Meat
itself is not really the culprit and in fact low on sugar-converting baddies, but the mass-production techniques are guilty of messing with body-processes. @łarryb do you agree with this?
that sounds like an excellent opportunity for some research... Fixed diet for n (some large-ish number of) days, and switch halfway through between non-CAFO and CAFO of the same animal.