9 years ago
( rl )
latest #20
9 years ago
welp, break up is official
9 years ago
it ended on good terms!!! definitely still friends. it's just weird now.
9 years ago
i have all these texts and gifts and notes and stuff
9 years ago
i made this towards the beginning of the relationship which is making me really upset now LMAO aw dude
9 years ago
we were so happy wtf.
9 years ago
and i have all these things that say "forever" and "i'll always love you" and it just sucks dude.
9 years ago
she bought me a promise ring that i've literally never taken off since november, and now my finger feels all naked and shit.
9 years ago
but i get it. i'm really sad, but i'm not upset. i don't blame her.
9 years ago
i'm really excited to get laid again LMFAO
9 years ago
i'm so shitty at relationships, i'm going lone wolf from now on.
9 years ago
heck yeah.
9 years ago
that's it, i think.
MOVING @protags
9 years ago
smooches ur nose
MOVING @protags
9 years ago
I'm glad it was on good terms in the end. <3
9 years ago
side note that i wish i didn't cut off all my hair because i don't feel hot anymore and don't know how to pick up chicks but that's fine
9 years ago
yeah it was good! i gotta change a lot of shit like on profiles and stuff LMAO sad
9 years ago
and i wanna do an intro plurk on my main plurk but it's gonna be weird not to call her out X-( o well.
sorry to hear darling. glad it was on good terms though :c break ups are hard.
if there's anything i can do let me know. always here for you! (heart_beat)
9 years ago
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