cym shares
15 years ago
latest #14
skraggy says
15 years ago
cool. I'll install it when I get back to my windows box. Any chance of providing these OTA in the future?
skraggy says
15 years ago
I made it OTA for myself to save booting up windows. If you don't mind me sharing the OTA url let me know and I'll post it here.
15 years ago
skraggy says
15 years ago
so far works great on the Storm. (applause)
UKStevieB asks
15 years ago
skraggy did you have to turn off compatibility mode? (thinking)
UKStevieB says
15 years ago
and thanks cyman! (banana_rock)
15 years ago
I turned it off yes, because it works fine without compatability mode.
UKStevieB says
15 years ago
cheers me dears :-D
NetHead says
15 years ago
NetHead says
15 years ago
installed on BB8310, plurk was sent, no problems
skraggy says
15 years ago
make sure to turn compatability mode off.
15 years ago
From BlackBerry Options->Advanced Options->Applications, highlight PlurkLite and hit the BB menu key, and Disable Compatability Mode.
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