aka "let's make the dumping ground for all of my girliko art public"
GOAL: redraw as many Giriko expressions in the ladyform so I can have more expressions to choose from than murderous rage
things learned so far from analyzing Ohkubo's artwork: he consistently puts ears too low on peoples' heads


this one can go here too even if it isn't a redraw
a poutface is always welcome
i've discovered that giriko is the living embodiment of the cute girls doing ugly faces meme
I have discovered that you doing redraws makes ohkubo's weird half-eyebrows thing okay inexplicably
that is a deep compliment
and yeah, ohkubo's construction is absolutely everywhere, the facial structure I settled on is a combination of like
giriko's crotch is a generator of bad ideas no matter what gender
"ugh that's fucked up" "(tiny crotch voice) that's kinda hot owo"

for reference's sake my to-do list
featuring anything that's halfway calm or shameful
(and also some doujinshi things I wanna style-match with similar ideas)
stealing from myself is the best idea I ever had
wow giriko congrats on your tits
that doujinshi artist was a treasure
aw I just realized he lost his little nose piercing when he went girliko
yeah, the chainsaw loses all of the piercings
which makes sense I guess, it's a fresh body

the many gifts that doujinshi artist has given me
I like that giriko is the very real representation of what would happen if a male body became a female one
no freaking out or "ahhhhghghg my cock!!" just "shit yeah look at my tits I'm fuckin cute"

a treasure
Ehhh Giriko seems to have a few problems with it, mostly because boobs seem to be really inconvenient
she also doesn't seem to wear a bra though SO Giriko you can fix your problems
the male -> female change is so fascinating to me since there's some anxieties there but Giriko just immediately identifies as a woman

tss...ah...hey idiot chainsaw...are you gonna be okay with um, support
headcanon time: the chainsaw has been a lady before but mostly prefers dickhavers to boobhavers because being a woman is incredibly inconvenient
like at first I was like "what the fuck is that" about the change but then he explained it and it's like

okay that is weird but it absolutely makes sense for him
for her rather man I am so not used to referring to giriko as she
probably because maka just remembers giriko as "that stupid chainsaw" and nothing else
eh it's fair, Giriko spends the majority of the series as male
spin the wheel of pronouns and pick something and it's probably be accurate for some point in the chainsaw's life
ANYWAY I gotta get ready for a meeting so bbl
ok one thing before I go:
reasons to play femme-giriko over masc-giriko: a post asking about periods
it's been a century or so and she's running out of pants

there's pills apparently??? what a pads
she hasn't been paying attention to this shit last time she was a woman she didn't even have any legal rights
/throws tampons and pads at JUST TAKE THEM
oh shit i forgot to get you that zip file im sorry
jean you DEFINITELY need to send me your two gigs of trashy SE doujin

can't sleep, adds more girikos
which means I'm 1/5 done with all of the conversions I wanna make
also continuing with gross praise of your redraws, they look exactly like what kubs was trying to go for with his style evolution but horribly missed the mark
did somebody say moe
the hilarious ooc maid icon is a requirement and no one will ever take it from me
and thank you! That's a pretty heavy compliment
other than the ~moe~ style shift I think a lot of ohkubo's artwork went for a surreal/emotional/dynamic look near the end, but as a result his construction suffered
admittedly I have a big fat zero memory of most of the final chapters but at least for Giriko's final battle her fight scene with Maka is super dynamic and emotional, even if she has no consistent facial shape
admit that the much later art suffers, I remember going back trying to find out what Justin looked like with his face half melted off and w o w
I'm not actually formally educated in art at all, so a lot of my commentary amounts to "what the shit is that" and feeling like ohkubo was caught in some weird contradiction of trying to look like kyoani
and trying to have his own surreal style
what if his art style is "cute girls doing ugly faces" meme but he can't commit enough to the ugly part oAo
There's def some kyoani influence there, esp. in the kids and in Not
I think part of it was that he was just getting tired of drawing SE, I know you mentioned that he was relieved once it was done and the ending was obviously rushed
because that surrealism def comes out whenever it's time to draw a spooky scary madness abomination
but it also did stuff like make Justin's head get consistently longer and pointer as the series went on
sorry I remember the art shift entirely in regards to villains since my most recent canon review was just to check on them whups
SE's descent into madness is legit so fascinating to me. Just straight-up watching someone say "fuck it."
anyway Giriko got to be A) cute

terrifying C) buff so I'll take what I can get
haha no I notice p much everyone got longer and pointer after a certain point, I call them beanpoles
also all the women got righteous hips/asses. even crona even though crona is nb and canonically emaciated
you will notice right away that I am a simple mozart and make simple observations
ngl the beauty of long-completed canons is that they're free to just do whatever you want with anyway
you're done with this?? oh don't mind if I do then
let me just casually slide on in here and fill some plotholes doot doot doot
I am afraid even then I will still never be able to figure out what noah's point in the story was. it felt like he was just there, then pokemon jokes were made, then he was like. vague cameos
I think the whole Noah/Gopher thing ended up getting cannibalized to wrap up the series fast
there's a LOT implied about Noah and how he acted, he seemed like this crafty sorcerer rather than the book's embodiment greed
yeah it felt like he was supposed to be a different character entirely
then ohkubo was like "shit I'm bored with this, let's just fuckin change it"
I know I tried to play him for a very short time, I wonder if I still have my old app
idk if he would say "shit fuckin" and the like but you know
his fists are made of ham
(man I have so many dropped SE characters from back in the day, my RP death throes make me so sad)
I still have just maka, eruka, and sid
maka is just too powerful someone stop her
long-term I did Giriko and Kid
but I also had Mifune, Noah, and Liz
lmao you remember when he first snatched kid there was a boom in creepy pedo shipping
someone on a SE ship confessions blog was like WHERE IS ALL THE NOAH/KID WHY ISN'T THIS SHIP MORE POPULAR
and I was like "....l-lol where have YOU been?"
reads my old writing and bites my thumb
skeletons in the closet
mostly what I remember about Noah and journal RP at the time was the prevalence of M/M ships and just trying to roll with it because that Gopher REALLY wanted Noah to step on his face
because I was SO desperate for Arachne/Giriko and the only Arachne player ever joined my game for a few months and never did much and disappeared
ahaha oh god I remember the yaoi only sex game
dude I don't even like yaois
there's a reason why anais has keywords "I don't know where my dad is. Probably in another game, having sex with men" for her maka
M/M is the least interesting thing in the world to me, I get no appeal out of it whatsoever, I'm a big gay lesbian and I need a lady in there somewhere
I have so many horror stories about spirits in it for the yaois tell you what
you should share these stories
and yeah it takes a very specific kind of m/m to get me interested
I'm largely like "meh. where's the f/f"
all right so. there was one time I was in a game, fun little bubble under the sea but I and my stein at the time were the only bros there
this spirit takes him from the anime specifically after maka calls him out on everybody forgiving him for being shitty but saying crona can't be forgiven
so, quote "he will be trying to distance himself from maka"
and he does not ask about maka upon waking up in this strange bubble world
and this player is in fact a very devoted stein/spirit shipper
...they idled out basically when the stein player said "um lol I'm not in this for shipping sorry"
never once asked about or tried to contact maka
so yeah that kinda didn't help maka's burgeoning FUCKED UP EMOTIONS wrt people from home
vatheon was a ride to hell and back for maka but tbh it was a great experience and I wouldn't change it for the world
even with my horror stories aha
my F(??)/F crown jewel was when I canon-updated Giriko so all of the sudden the 1950s horror game had an openly lesbian couple between a chainsaw and the country of Russia
Giriko was still listed as the man of the house, it was interesting
I always heard nice things about vantheon, never played there though!
I think I considered apping Feferi there for a lil but that was near the end of ~RP death~ so
the homestuck cast was a bit of a mess there too for different reasons (too much shipping) but I had fun as jade there
........with my crosscanon ship so I didn't have to worry about that
I don't even play for ships at all they just kinda happen to me and I'm like "okay!!!"
also happening in vatheon: maka ending up in a threeway relationship. it was absolutely glorious
oh! I think I read your thread with Hydok's Justin in her musebox
I called it the sacrilegious sandwich because it involved the son of satan, death the kid, and maka the angel
this is how she dragged me back into this "do you wanna musebox with giriko" "sure ok"
five tags later "I NEED TO BE IN A GAME"
my shipping deep dark shame is a fall from grace
they had awkward conversations like kid very seriously saying to rin "would you be offended if I said the very thought of having sex with you was distressing and disgusting to me"
back in the day I was super anti-girijasu, and then I took a break from the SE fandom and homestuck happened
...also maka had to explain that making out wasn't just kissing while in bed, it literally involves tongues as well
"what is it if you just want them to beat the shit out of each other constantly"
"oh my god is this what blackrom is"
I know how that sounds but it was overall pretty innocent since maka is like "ew" kid is like "what is that" and only rin was a normal teenager
that's honestly kinda adorable tho
bbs makin it work for them
eventhorizoned will tell you that dirk strider and kid had some serious blackrom going on
kid took the destroyer of souls moniker VERY SERIOUSLY
and jade, being jade, was like "dude I know you have a hatecrush on him but back off?? he's not that bad!

" about dirk to kid
jade harley, defender of striders even when she acknowledges they're kinda douchebags
for god knows what reason
ok I have an RP horror story
I had this RP friend who was also a gay dude and was super into Giriko's rippling abs
and would NOT stop asking me questions about his dick
and my favorite question was "he has a motor, right"
that reminds me that for some reason I had this weird idea in my head that it was funny to suggest kid had striped pubes, and those would connect as well when he ascended
I was like 19 what do you want
just an immature teen. now immature in a different way as a Real Adult
just think, your brain has completed developing at this point
we're stuck like this forever
hi dawn welcome to the plurk
man was it the HS heart symbol
because it could so easily be symmetrical but he RUINED it
practically a blackrom marriage proposal
there are people who dream of things that black
actual line from dirk "w-well not like I care if he has a girlfriend. screw him for having a girlfriend"
thank you rp for cross-canon everything
soul wavelength attacks are roughly the same color as the soul, right?
I'm taking a break from redraws to work on mango colors
I checked the anime but it looks like a bunch of Giriko's scenes from the manga got cut so I don't even have a ref for the Wave of Genocide WELP
you would think but maka's soul is some goldie color and her resonating/attacks are white or blue in the anime
and in general soul attacks seem to be colored yellow for visibility
unless you're a villain which would get purple I guess cause purple = evil
...idk I just say fuck it and color them whatever I feel like
all I know is that the bloodlust wavelength is hot pink and I really like the idea of evil lisa frank attacks
people associate pink with maka? wrong, it's giriko's color
purple and pink are the defacto evil colors
I like to think that's why Liz and Patti's souls are very light pink
you do what you gotta do on the streets, i know that more than anybody, but that shit affects you
I absolutely would have never thought of their soul color that way

god why did ohkubo waste them
we needed more dudes punching dudes
ngl the idea of soul color being an evolution of the person is really fascinating to me
it's not set in stone, it's a range, and as you develop and change so does your soul
and of course we need generic "my mom was a ~whore~ and abandoned us"
I've already done an angry rewrite about how I would have gone about their background but you know
only liz and patti can calm down kid's insanity except when black*star can do it with homoerotic waterfights
but how else will he surpass god if they don't constantly punch each other
I read your history rewrite! You made some points I never really thought of before
oh no
I didn't think much about Liz and Patti's history because I had a close friend in HS who had basically the same story haha
"oh ok they're just like robert gotcha"
they seemed like they would have been pretty close to being pre-kishin by the time kid found them if they had any interest in eating souls. which they probably didn't, just "gimme the money sucka"
hydok is the one that usually thinks about weapons the hardest but sometimes I do too, once in a blue moon
it's a good thing that they're interested in material gain rather than gaining power
whenever hydok and I talk about weapons we usually just end up capslocking "WEAPON INSTINCTS" at each other and crying
also I still question the "identical weapon forms" thing sometimes but closest I can guess is them being fraternal twins
but some people get super mad when you suggest they're fraternal twins, I'm like "whoa chill"
regardless of birth order I think the identical weapon form says more about the content of their souls than anything
especially since the weapon form seems malleable
do you think weapon form is set at birth or is something they evolve themselves through necessity?
because growing up in stereotypical new york it sure seems like liz and patti would need to learn to use guns fast
soul's weapon form changed when he became a death scythe, which is mostly meant as a visual representation of his power-up
but I think it also proves that weapon forms can change
I think weapon forms are both a reflection of the person and a reflection of the soul, so two sisters living extremely closely and relying on each other would probably see each other reflected in themselves
how much is magic how much is genetics and how much is bullshit
that is the eternal question
it's genetic magical bullshit
also unless arachnaphobia had specifically branded circular saws this can also probably be applied to the chainsaw as well, since he had the mask on one of his weapon forms
everything comes back to chainsaws here
also apparently scythes are super rare since soul and spirit are the only goddamned ones in the series?
oh shit fallin into a plot hole
Death makes a note that Spirit is the only death scythe that is actally a death scythe
also also if it's partly determined by the soul, I guess that explains why marie is inexplicably an okinawan weapon
she's just really into tentacles
I feel like the base weapon doesn't really change
you're a sword or a knife or you're used to punch fools or whatever
and some people are less flexible than others (Justin, in more ways than one)
I guess that makes tsubaki super flexible then
why does anybody even talk to me I'm a fuckin idiot
but yeah in that line of thought I felt like maka probably didn't partner with someone for a very long time exactly because she was stubbornly waiting for a scythe to register at the school

it's like a metaphor for abstinence except she's aro-ace and that's creepy as fuck
someone walking up to maka like "ayyy what are your preferences"
punchin things punchin things for justice
and who knows, if soul never existed she'd probably be like
"well fuck you then universe I'll be my own scythe /CHANGES THE SHAPE AND FORM OF THE SOUL ITSELF WITH THE POWER OF FUCK YOU"

she's just that crazy
well she has the protection instinct that's for sure
yeah implication is pretty strong that maka's line of thinking/instincts are Rather Unusual for a meister
that whole obsession with equality and such
the disturbing implication that weapons should die for their meisters
the disturbing implication that soul was ready to do that at the ripe age of 13
yeah weapons have a whole separate class where this is hammered into their heads
so I guess that counts maka as a Weapons Rights Activist
or maybe it's like hermione with SPEW since maka is p much anime hermione
absolutely none, in all intros for her I describe her as a combination of hermione and haruhi fujioka and nobody has challenged me on this yet
nowhere, that is why I am The Best Around
there's def a mixture of instinct and social pressure going on
social pressure that takes advantage of instinct
how much does this completely fuck up autonomous weapons
yeah you know how soma shippers are always like "uwaaahhh soul's so loyal to maka~~~" about his "it's a weapon's duty to die for their meister!" thing
totally ignoring all the other times a weapon has almost died for their meister
people will do a lot for shipping
or the fact that he said it as if it was rhetoric that he was taught, a mantra he has to repeat
(see also: every time people insist that giriko would join DWMA like UM)

conditioning a child to die sure is kawaii!!
these childs deserve better
free and eruka are the only ones I can see switching sides because they Weren't That Bad in the first place, but that'd still be a very long stretch because the renegade life is more their thing
and free has absolutely zero reason to trust them even after ~peace and love~
dude no one from the opposing side has a reason to trust them
I see it like America and Russia post-WWI
allies against a bigger problem
completely philosophically at odds
you know now that I think about it, i don't know why I specifically made that statement
eruka has negative zero reason to trust them in comparison, they fuckin put a death collar on her and forced her to work for them
and this isn't a competition on how much the academy fucked with you wow
it supposed to be okay now because kid's so fuckin cute and optimistic??? dude what the shit
Kid is optimistic and naive but does not even remotely fuck around when it comes to what he expects order to be
oh I forgot, i was going to make some weird joke about black*star punching kid
bc our big dumb blue star is basically what ohkubo wants to be if he were a hotblooded teenage hero
and kid represents his neurotic tendencies
and kid is very popular in both japan and western fandoms. so it's like bs punching kid is some way of ohkubo shouting at him going WHY ARE YOU SO POPULAR YOU'RE WEIRD
the author favorite never wins
is that true, though? has ohkubo said that?
because I always just figured that black star was an exaggeration of shounen tropes
off topic: oh no I'm coloring mangas and I just realized that Giriko wears a cute little barette to keep her hair up
her entire wardrobe appears to just be repurposed clothes from her old body but no her hair needs to be on point
I'm almost sure that he has made commentary saying that black*star is "most like [himself]"
and kid's his neuroticism/"ocd"
I know I've read the excalibur is his dad thing
so that explains ohkubo's lack of skill in storytelling
I think he might have said stein is like himself too
basically ohkubo's a fuckin weirdo but this shouldn't be shocking
yeah no one's really shocked here
I mean I'll give it to him about excalibur he certainly does tell a story like a parent that constantly talks over you and hops between subjects

also because I can't stop giggling about giriko having access to cute barettes