So this project is from a mix of: having an assignment about 'value', my gigantic history boner for ancient daily life, not really getting
The difference between objects and living things, and being really lonely. So I'm missing around with the idea that objects can be homes
For spirits or believes and ways that could work in modern life. Basically the project is me making tiny figures for people carry with them
To stand in for/be people who aren't with them. Can be real people (dead, living far away, astranged for some other reason) or fake
(imaginary friend from childhood or anyone not real that you talk to in your head for any reason) they would be about 2 in tall, made of
Silver to look at least slightly like the person you need, and I'm sewing tiny cloths for them too. So if youre interested the requirements
Are: you have to actually believe or think you will, you have to carry them around when safe and appropriate, you'll have to do a short
Interview thing befor I make any and then again befor the crit, you'll have to take a few pics and no one can tell my parents because
Wow this hits like every single thou shalt not make worship any graven images thing ever and I just want to make some tiny people to keep
Me company not deal with that mess. Also I will be displaying all of this but will keep you anonymous if you want. So if youre interested
Let me know asap? Im aiming to make about 10 figures and crit is in like 4 weeks so I have to move fast.
im interested but im not sure if i have a person like that
I am absolutely interested
Sending myself an email to send you a picture when I get home
I also volunteer as a tribute if you need more :v
Oh wow thank you guys! I saw this and was like YAAAS but its kinda the rock back and forth and try not to cry part of the semester so I finally had enough energy to reply. There's still room if you want to be
in on it, Frecklez but if not thats cool too!
Do you guys have a preferred way to contact you? I have a couple short questions that I was going to be all good and do interview style but I don't think I'm up to it so now I just have them typed up.
The describe your person one is the most important since I'm going to start carving the waxes soon so I kinda need something to go off of so answer that one if nothing else?
You can private plurk me and frecklez!
Private plurk works for me too!