9 years ago
[Diabolik Lovers] I can't tell if this anime series was just odd that I'll just forget in two years about the plot/details except two characters/overall main cast's drastic diff personalities or..... wtf is it.
latest #12
9 years ago
Legit google image searching for something was all it took for me to come across this vampire series. I saw a bunch of Sakamaki Shuu icons and he looked like my character type I'd love (my intuition was right)
9 years ago
so I looked into it. 15 minutes per episode. Only 12 eps long. Could complete this in about three hours compared to 30min/12ep=6hrs. Not bad.... so the deal was on for a quick anime watch.
9 years ago
It started with some sort of direction, and I was waiting for some plot and details to open up (the mystery about Yui's father... or something). Maybe it's a thing with short series where it rushes through.
9 years ago
It was just not very memorable. Though I definitely got intrigued by Sakamaki Ayato, Reiji, and Subaru other than Shuu all the way to the end. I love Subaru, as much ashe didn't get a lot of screentime like
9 years ago
Ayato, Kanato, and Laito did. But, eh, whatever really.
9 years ago
Maybe the manga (if it has one, will look up later) extends/covers a lot more of this series. Too lazy to look right now since I'm about to go play Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 after diiner.
9 years ago
9 years ago
the anime def truncated and changed things. I recall some people complaining about one of Ayato's in-game sequences being given to Reiji or vice-versa while it was airing
9 years ago
Ahh, that explains it. It did feel a bit incomplete in a way it didn't entirely wrap up loose ends at the end with how the sacrificial brides worked. It was going in some solid direction then it got rather
9 years ago
loose somewhere along the way
9 years ago
Things picked up once some vision(?) of the purple haired lady Cordelia showed up, but aye.
9 years ago
I can't say it was a terrible series. I could see half potential in it and I'll probably understand it better when I look into the game. It was entertaining to see all the brothers.
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