mamiejane shares
9 years ago
Karma zero is an awesome place! haha
latest #6
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
My reply to you will ruin this! haha
9 years ago
it's like a clean slate I have also helped to ruin!
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
Nobody that I first came on plurk with is very active. I am somehow reading a bunch of SL fashion people on my TL. They rarely see or read my plurks at all. Questioning the whole plurk thing.... sigh
9 years ago
I froze my karma so I can go for days without plurking and not have it nosedive.
Scarp Godenot
9 years ago
I think I might do the freeze thing. I need to decide on where to stop the current number. It has to be odd. like 143.77 or something.
9 years ago
I went for symmetry
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