at first, you told us that you left 1D for your mental health and well-being; although it's heart-breaking that you had to leave 1D (AND I HAVEN'T EVEN GOT TO MEET YOU OR SEE YOU IN CONCERT YET)
you left for your own good, and that's totally the right thing to do, I accepted it after a day of crying my eyes out
but then a few days later you're all like "ayy solo career with Naughty Boy" ?/?/?????/??? what even
what makes us so angry is that you didn't even finish the tour. You left the other boys to deal with the shit. You could at least finish the tour. Plus the contract with Modest ends in 18 months.
You have done a lot for the fans, yes, but thinking about the fans who bought the ticket mainly because they wanted to meet you hurts my heart because they won't
but I guess if 1D and being in a boyband isn't your thing, you leaving might be better, since you'd be happier and the boys would be relieved because they have one less member who isn't trying as hard as them
I won't lie, but I'm still pissed, you could call me immature and selfish and all, but I am very disappointed; but I deep down want to believe that you are a good person
it's been a few days and I still don't know how to react to all this, should I even wish you good luck? after what you've done? do you even deserve our support?
good job on louis with those tweets to naught boy though, I have never loved him so much omf
and oh about that zayn saying that we're a bunch of idiots worshipping 1D and that we need to get a life, I won't believe that until there's audio of it lmao
media could literally make up anything, remember that time where they said niall was in a car accident that never happened, lmao
I've stopped believing in the media ever since I started shipping Larry, everything about 1D (especially Larry) is just so shady, like wtf
but zayn you and 1D probably wouldn't even be successful if you didn't have the 'bunch of idiots who worship you and need to get a life'
whatever, I don't believe that he said that; the arranged girlfriends part though, that's true :^)))) elounor is fake af and zerrie is shady af too
sorry for interrupting...I feel the same...and though I don't believe that he said "he has had enough of girls' screaming", I still fell really's like man your got 4 bros and you just leaving like this
without a clear explaination and just go solo
yeah exactly
though I believe that he didn't just decide to leave on the day, I believe that the other boys know already
seriously I don't think it sounds good..I mean that song "I won't mind"...Zayn ruined everything...he didn't realize that
and he TOTALLY forgot where he belongs
this kinda pissed me off...when I saw Harry cried...
cries and starts playing Don't Forget Where You Belong (I actually loved that song)
dude it hurt my heart so bad when harry cried like no my baby shhshhsh don't cry know on 18 Mar, I can really feel that he has no mood to sing, fans kept screaming ZAYNNN and he just ignored them and drank water
while Harry and Liam kept looking at us...and I felt really happy
but yeah basically, I can't accept the fact that he kinda dumped his bandmates to start a solo career, especially when they're still on tour
YES...=_= I can also feel that the 4 of them knew that he is going to leave
man but it was his last concert shouldn't he at least cherish it, I thought he cherished it
no...not really...he just sang BSE softly...i mean...I can feel that he is not really into the show on that day...maybe because he was attacked by the media (Bangkok that one)
I really thought that they will stay until the end....and I just...I know I'm an idiot
I knew they migh eventually go solo, but I didn't expect it to happen so SUDDEN, and it's just one leaving and not whole band disbanding
yeah probably
ah well
zayn what even
b4 I thought that he was really tired or he wanna deal with the relations with Perrie...and I wish to support him, but then now he really goes solo...and I'm like man I support u guys since the beginning
yes....but now I feel like no matter what I will still support 4 of them
man I feel you, I don't even know if he deserves support after what he's done
I saw pics of them performing WMYB, and they changed the posture...
it's like the fucking damage done you feel me, it's not even about him being talented or not or whether if I will like his new music with naughty boy, it's just how he ruined it for us
argh I feel so bad these days
I mean 1D is important to us, to the fans, as a group, as a whole, 5/5; and he changed it, he ruined it, not that his dreams and happiness isnt important, but that move was undoubtly selfish
When I saw ppl capturing pics of Harry arriving South Africa and his eyes are full of tears...WTF
I THINK SO TOTALLY selfish!!!!
how can he just ruined this
I heard ppl saying that it is the management who fired him
I mean if he was so unhappy and depressed and he left the band then fine but he didn't have to lie to us at first
but I'm not sure about the truth...and I really wanna know it...why does he think like this
YES...harry and lou also got solos songs it's not a matter but the main point is HIS EXCUSE
I doubt, the financial losses would be big, its a stupid thing for management to do, the management knows how big this is gonna be
yes...ppl in indonesia kept sellign tickets at that time cause they wanna see Zayn so badly
and like you know the 7 year rule/contract in musica industry (lmao I'm studying popular music rn and we've talked about some music industry stuff) modest wouldn't fire him, zayn left and he probabl
had to pay modest for leaving
I still wish that I was's like I woke up on that day and I saw my frd sending me msgs about Zayn leaving the band...
yess!! he paid 16 million!?
who knows, he definitely had to pay though
I think the management won't fire him maybe people just trying to make up a story
I still rmb that night...I can really feel Harry's personality
there could be 100 different stories if people tried tbh, again, media is shady af (lmao studying media courses too)
He has got a big heart...I thought he was like a cool man, but he's not

he kept waving to us and interacted with us
media is really...hell == i have no idea why they like to make up stories
dude harry is one of the most precious human being on earth he is literally an angel wtf
media make up shit because it sells :^) man management is shady too maybe management made them write that, who knows
YEAAA cant agree more...i think he must be really sad now =_= i think he'll never thought that Zayn will quit just after 4 years
he cried when zayn pranked him that he'll leave 1D how is he gonna deal with this tb
I believe that they will still be friends but this is different
I think Zayn got reli different attitudes as he grows up

people changed
At first they are like really cute ones and Zayn always pops out with "Vas Happenin"...I just want to cry
but I think 4 of them didnt change much...Liam is more mature now and Niall is still so cute, Harry and Louis are still the same and Louis even defends us
yeah zayn is probably the one who changed the most, well what we have to remember is that they were young when they joined the music industry and it really does change people and make people grow up and stuff

but some people don't really change that much...and I can't believe this fact tbh so it's only 4 of them now
me neither I still don't know how to take that in
and I feel super sad that HK is Zayn's last concert