9 years ago
You know you have a shipping problem when you have over 150 songs in a single iTunes playlist for that ship. And I'll continue adding to it... Though, I suppose it's not as bad as 200+ songs for Yuma/Astral.
latest #6
9 years ago
Which I don't even mind because Keyshipping is like that ultimate sacred OTP of Yu-Gi-Oh!.
9 years ago
This FE ship may very well be the ultimate ship of Fire Emblem. Whoops.
9 years ago
In all honesty, it shot up from 87 to 154 because I went and downloaded a bunch of songs which over half of them reminded me of that one fanfic I plan on writing.
9 years ago
Being reborn, which is different from the canon take on the ship, but it still counts as all the same since the whole "reborn" idea was taken from the Oosawa's FE4 manga adaptation.
9 years ago
Also the majority of the fanfic (and FE4 storyline) consists of not remembering/memory loss so it's not too out there to fit in.
9 years ago
>Feels need to stop but I can't allow that fuel to die out. Damn.
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