9 years ago
heeeyyyy... been awhile since i've been on here so i figured i might give an update. and let everyone know i'm not, uh, dead.
latest #42
9 years ago
because i'm totally not.
9 years ago
uh well, first thing's first: my grandmother died. which... is still kind of upsetting. really upsetting.
9 years ago
i lived with her for years and she had a really big hand in raising me so... i'm still not really sure if it's entirely sunk in yet.
9 years ago
it happened over 2 weeks ago and i'm still having thoughts like "i need to tell grandma about this" and stuff like that.
9 years ago
dealing with it one day at a time i guess.
9 years ago
uhm. still no job in florida, but i'm pretty happy there. i like orlando a lot so far.
9 years ago
i haven't made many friends either but i hope i can get out and do that at some point. i'm just really shy.
9 years ago
also, a really big deal: i got my front teeth fixed! i usually didn't post pictures of myself on here, especially not with my mouth open, but i had (still have) some messed up teeth.
9 years ago
my front two were overlapped and there was a big spot of decay in between them... it was a mess.
9 years ago
but now, they're fixed!!! and i'm really really happy.
9 years ago
i also had a filling put in on one of my back teeth but zzz who even care?? no one.
9 years ago
i guess really, that's all that's really been going on with me? i haven't been writing much or drawing a lot. obviously not roleplaying AHAHAHA. ha.
9 years ago
but yeah. just wanted to say hello to everyone. i hope you're all healthy and happy too!
9 years ago
i hope everything is going the best it can for all of you!
9 years ago
aww, i'm sorry to hear about your loss - but i'm glad that other things are going well for you! and i hope they get even better soon
9 years ago
it's nice to see you check in!! even though i see you on tumblr i never know what to say there oops
9 years ago
i can imagine it's difficult to when all i do is scream about jojos on there.
9 years ago
but it's okay!!
9 years ago
sometimes i just like posting on plurk... it's easier to just spill stuff into it than tumblr or twitter.
9 years ago
yeah, for all the shit that i give plurk, it's actually pretty good for communicating stuff in certain formats, i feel like
9 years ago
otoh i get confused at how conversation works on tumblr or twitter easily... i'm too young to be this technologically inept
9 years ago
twitter is the worst... especially if another person jumps in.
9 years ago
i like twitter but for longer conversations it is GARBAGE
9 years ago
i love jojo sobs
9 years ago
i used to play johnny in haven uh. when did i drop him... sometime last year.
9 years ago
and yeah this is... the hardest death i've been through. my other grandparents died when i was really young but this is uh. really difficult.
9 years ago
SBR is my favorite part.
9 years ago
oh man PART 3 THO... i'm really behind on the anime oops ( but i'm up to date on the manga...)
9 years ago
polnareff is so cute... i saw you did an intro and i'm so like "GOD HAVEN HAS SO MANY JOJOS" i'm kinda sad i dropped but lol like hell i coulda kept up
9 years ago
aww lins I'm sorry
9 years ago
I'm glad you got your teeth fixed, though, getting something that's always bothered you like that fixed can make you feel a billion times better
9 years ago
she was in a really bad place so... i'm glad she's not hurting anymore or literally losing her mind but. it doesn't make me miss her any less.
9 years ago
i'm staying at her house right now and it's just all very weird, trying to accept it fully.
9 years ago
yeah, that's always difficult
9 years ago
but i am very happy about my teeth... there's always a silver lining, considering i was told about this at the after service of her funeral.
asalto gabideño
9 years ago
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