9 years ago
( rl part deux )
latest #23
9 years ago
SORRY this plurk is getting angsty i'll get over this eventually youll see X-(
9 years ago
anyway i'm going to therapy for the first time in prolly like three years and i'm nervous about it
9 years ago
i really hate going to therapy, but i have to make the moves to make myself feel better while i'm on an upwards swing cause otherwise when i'm depressed i wont do it
9 years ago
i've been fine lately, but i feel like i'm making mistakes? in what i say vs how i feel, and i can't tell if it's just
9 years ago
me being a different person from who i normally am, or people close to me being critical of me, but either way
9 years ago
therapy!!! yeah. gonna tastefully avoid saying that i haven't taken my meds in like two years.
9 years ago
if you want me to deal you some concerta i legit have it by the bucketful LMFAO no i'm kidding
9 years ago
i also bought ash flowers for saturday which i know doesn't fix any of our issues, but no one can say that i'm not trying X-( they're really pretty flowers too.
9 years ago
these ones i think. i hope that she likes them at least huff.
those are lovely flowers
the gesture that you are thinking of her is definitely important and i think you are doing a very brave thing to see a therapist. i hope good things for you
9 years ago
tyty!! they're cute. i wish i had gone for something more colorful though ;u;
9 years ago
ahhh deedee you're so nice thank you very much
i'm not a therapist or anything but I am a very good listener ;u; if you ever need someone to just unload on, about anything I am always here for you!
9 years ago
UGH DUDE i will totally probably take you up on that sometime, thank you ;u; you are seriously wonderful even just offering is really sweet of you.
(heart_beat) you can absolutely pp me any, any, any time you need to. Or if you'd prefer (or if it's easier) i'm pretty much always on aim at oresdee or skype at arbitraryally
life is hard and carrying our own problems is hard and everyone has them but sometimes it's nice to just be able to have someone share the load once in awhile, and I understand that so much.
9 years ago
9 years ago
a little late but you know I'm also always here pretty lady! just to listen or whatever. I'm glad your week is going better than expected and that you're able to see all that happening
9 years ago
and are in a place that you can work on making it better too
9 years ago
you're actively trying to make a change and that's really amazing!
9 years ago
ugh you guys are seriously marvelous I'm really lucky
9 years ago
I'm nervous about Saturday so expect lots of shaking and crying and more crying probably it would just be super awesome if things were okay huff huff
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