No. i want a plastic lightsaber
wanna jedi battle with my cousins
yeah, i have 2. but i want the darth mol lightsaber
we have vader's, ben's, yoda's, and a random one.
i want it. the original one
i'd kill for joe's star wars collection.
no. joesus lives on forever.
kill andy. he's joesus' mortal enemy.
Yeah. I'll kill Andy then
pete IS trying to get spencer to marry his sister.
but it would be smith not wentz
yeah, but spen could marry into the wentz family.
depends who the botch is in this relationship
maybe spen can act as the female in the relationship
psha. maybe she looks exactly like pete but with boobs
does that mean that she TRIES to grow facial hair like Pete, out of jelousy for Joe?
from lightsabers... to this.
Yesh. The jewish always have space in between any conversation
Alex Suarez wonders why he is the botch in fanfics with him in it.
well he stole Ryan ROss from Pete Wentz
or is it the other way around...
all the bands pete wentz helped has an attractive man in it
btw. make out pics of pete and gabe
panic's all sexy. before.
i've seen those make out pics.
my friend forced them on me.
brent's face freaks me out
My cousin has the original not plastic Darth MAul lightsaber. @.@
It's a girl. :-j I dunno...but it was like wow expensive. O.O
i saw one in the States once
of course the light saber's supposed to make sounds.
i found a fake rainbow lightsaber
There are some pirated ones that don't
i have a star wars pistol.
I have a figurine of James from Team Rocket.
i have... the millenium falcon.
I have a figurine of Jessie from Team Rocket.
we have luke skywalker authentic figurine. 8D collector's item.
us nerds shall usurp the Jonas Brothers as future rulers of the universe
i have 12 pokemon figurines
we have charmander, meowth, squirtle, pikachu.
i remember i have absol. 8D
I had a lot of pokemon figurines but I think I lost em when I moved house. D:
i like the pokemon shaped candy
tastes better than the hannah montana edible bracelet
I had Flinstones vitamins
I love chewable vitamins~
i remember my mom would have to hide it in the bathroom.
i kept thinking it was candy.
they were yummy AND healthy
andie, i thought you gave up candy for lent?
or are they...?