games I've replayed the most:
latest #11
for games that generally one doesn't replay: Ace Attorney 1-3. (Especially certain cases re: RPing, but I've played the whole trilogy a LOT.)
most of my actual most-played games are the Tetris sort -- where the point is playing over and over. I like casual puzzle/speed games.
This also includes DDR -- I've been on a big DDR kick again lately, thinking about getting hard pads.
but back to Games With Plot I have such a backlog I rarely replay Fire Emblem (the first US one) I played a lot, trying to do a no-restart playthrough (unsuccessfully), but it's rare that I go back
for replays on most RPGs/strat games, especially lately (the past...5 years?) where I haven't been playing on console much AT ALL.
really, it's more like "which games have I bought for multiple platforms and still not played, alas".
really I think the last time I played an RPG and then turned around and played it again was FFX-2 -- got 95% of the way through playing unspoiled, was drastically underleveled for the end boss, and restarted
for a 100% playthrough with spoilers, and did play at least some of a single-class new game+ after that.
I went into that one not expecting to like it at all, and ended up really adoring it.
but aside from AA there isn't anything I've really played over and over the past few years.
Unless all the different KH games count as replays /snark.
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