Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
[MidSyn] Elizabeth approved~
latest #116
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Congratulations, Reslari , you have a big sis.
9 years ago
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Call me onee-sama-mun.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Tempted to change to that on some level.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Oh god I just imagined apping Yumi.
Theo's life gets to become difficult
Not there ohhh no
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I don't think I actually would but can you imagine?
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Yumi would be hilarious.
It would be terrible
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
She'd make all the faces.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
And then have a psychological break down. o_O
You'd be doing like 20 icon comment chains
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I played Miyamae Kanako.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I can do 20 icon comment chains.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Mind you, it may well have nearly killed me.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
playing kanako was exhausting
But nooooooo nonono, let's not get into those particular Lesbian Catholic High Schoolers and this game, it'd be truly terrible
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
gosh yoshino is the other character from that canon i would love to RP
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
she's the best
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
also the worst
Yeaaaaaaah. Even the most enthusiastic among them would nope the fuck out
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
you go troll imouto
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
If you mean Sei, I don't think she'd be the most enthusiastic.
No not at all
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Who do you think would be the most?
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I'm actually thinking Kashiwagi.
And I don't know who would... be. Uh. Uhhhh. Shit.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I think I may have hit the nail on the head.
Yeah I doubt it'd be one of the girls
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
app maria-sama
Which is hilarious in its own right
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
just play a statue
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
and have it just
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
show up places
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
and silently gaze
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
'I play Kashiwagi! .... who is a gay guy in a series about lesbians'
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I'd be OK with that.
Fucking lmfaoooo
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I'd enjoy having a Kashiwagi around in some games.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I mean come on.
And your only icon would just be thr fucking statue
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
He's basically like Sachiko fused with Sei...
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
but a gay man.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
That's what any Lillians RP needs.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
An NPC icon for Maria-sama.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
So she can just thread hop
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
just to point out she's watching
So here's the best part: I have an account for a Lillian-based musebox
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Aaaand now I'm reimagining MariMite as LotR...
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
with Maria as the eye of sauron
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
and yumi as a hobbit
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Were you in that sadly dead from the start Lillians RP back on LJ?
I legitimately only made the journal/comm so I could tagline it with 'tagging slowly is preferred here'
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Man. I really want the collosssal mess that would be yumi/sei end.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
like three years down the line
I take full responsibility for implanting that idea
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
in a hypothetical world where yumi and sachiko are not working out
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
and yumi puts herself forward for sei
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
or rather, stops resisting as much toward's sei's flirting
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
which would be awkward as all get out for sei
'Wait shit this is happening and there are no braaaaaakes'
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
And yet another plurk on Li-Chi's timeline goes off topic into Res and Li-Chi loving MariMite.
9 years ago
Duh, it's the best
Anyway, uh. Yay Liz!
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Yay Marmite!
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I mean, sisters!
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I mean, Elizabeth!
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
call me onee-sama-mun
Alright, we're back to where we derailed, but lemme get into the right mindset this time........
Okay. Theo's life is over!
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
It was a long life.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I kind of imagine her first interaction with him just being
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
her noticing him from afar...
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
then deciding to walk in his direction without looking at hi
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
and go straight for the buffet
He's still going to be convinced Margaret had something to do with the whole mess
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Why's that?
Cuz that's been the only way he can reason why he's there and unable to get out.
It's a trial from Margaret again! Like the one she gave him when he went to look for Liz on 4AU anyway
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
If he expresses that to Elizabeth she's going to think about it for 60 seconds and be like lolno
The problem is, it will derail once he sees her because while Margaret might fuck with him in this way, she won't do it to Elizabeth, but then he's just going to be confused.
But as of so far, his threads have been 'I'm probably here on purpose'
'It's probably Margaret...'
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I think Elizabeth would have actually just gone ahead and tried it out intentionally.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Thinking she could get out of it.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
That's not what happened obviously, but.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
What did Theo get into anyway?
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Which house?
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Also we needs to recruit a margaret. lol
We do. And he's in Sarah
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Tag. And
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
it begins
Or it will after I take a nap
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Rest well
Can't be recast
9 years ago
and Itsuka is getting the impression Margaret is some kind of sick pervert if Theo thinks it's plausible she sent him here.
Can't be recast
9 years ago
as far as joke apps are concerned, i lean towards the opposite: i just wnat to app someone who wears a mask or is literally invisible so all their icons are completely context-based
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I have some desire for Elizabeth to thread hop on Itsuka.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
So Theo can be like "SISTER"
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
"No other sister"
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Theo's family is messed up.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Not in the ways he seems to be communicating.
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