I’d never advise someone to leave a job without having another one lined up. In fact, before you line up a job, line up a career
— it'll be easier to figure out where to start when you know where you want to go.
Leaving my job was a meticulously calculated career choice that opened metaphorical doors, windows, and garages for me.
It was a big risk that paid off in management, development opportunities, and creative job offers.
I knew if I were able to pull of such a big prank on the internet, I'd be rewarded (in the comedy world). I was ready for it.
I’d been quietly working on my writing, stand up, and confidence until I got to a place where I knew I didn’t have to settle in my professional career.
So, in a sense, I’d been planning to quit before I even started working at that Taiwanese company.
should I congratulate you?