In the future I want to open an unhappy centre
latest #14
It's called Unhappy Centre because to be happy you need to first admit that you are not happy, don't know how to say it.
Maybe only being called this name would attract unhappy people to go there
At that place there would gather unhappy people. But not to worry, because it's a good beginning now that they're all gathered together.
Because that's why they are there, to be happy:
Method 1: The centre have lots of dogs there (Adopted/ Co-operated from/ with the RSPCA),
people who are sad can play with them and be comforted by them.
Method 2: You can find people to massage your shoulders there. Because people who are unhappy have stiff
shoulder muscles. You find someone to massage your shoulders, then after he finished massaging your
shoulders, you massage his, so you can both be happy.
Method 3: Card and board games room. Want someone to accompany you to do things together? You can find
people in the centre who also wants people to accompany and do things together with them, play a game of
chess, card game, or board game with them
Method 4: You can find people in the centre who needs to tell people why they are unhappy. You can tell them
yours as well.
Method 5: Other...Still thinking
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