10 years ago
Stupid fic only I want to read: The Doctor leaving a series of angry notes to himself.
latest #11
10 years ago
Please write this
10 years ago
And let me read it
10 years ago
...I sort of am. Or at least I'm writing the notes the companions leave when he leaves it in his wrong former/future selves' tardis and they exasperatedly hide it from their version of the doctor.
10 years ago
i need to figure out the actual. Letters.
10 years ago
I would read that too
Mouth Powers
10 years ago
I don't even go to this fandom
Mouth Powers
10 years ago
I would definitely read this
10 years ago
... I have a gdoc with my scratch in it shoot me an IM or a pp if you want access
10 years ago
I will do this when I go upstairs
10 years ago
10 years ago
doooo iiit
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