[ Cosplay ] So I've got a month left to basically get it done and I need a tie breaker on a direction to go with. I'm aiming to do Star Lord for WonderCon. Problem is, I have three variants to choose from.
The third is the Disney Infinity figure version, which is pretty heavily stylized and I was thinking would look pretty bitchin' if I tried to sorta cel-shade it like a lot of the Borderlands cosplayers do.
Now the drawbacks on the first version is just the obscene amount of detailing that's going to be going into it. I mean, for a good idea, look at the figure that Sideshow Collectibles released. Damn.
The downside on the jacket version is that I expect that this will be that one that is most common. So it'll be harder to stand out in any memory here, so attention would be on all the supporting elements.
The Infinity figure version is simpler on the details, but then it's going to REALLY be on me to get the whole shading deal and stylized elements right. This would also be my first attempt at such a thing.
So those are my options there. I figure I'll check a few non-Plurk cosplay friends for opinions as well, but I'd like to hear the opinions of anyone here that wants to offer input.