"-at least one of the threads that you submit for AC must be with someone not from your canon."
Easiest requirement ever for a Lone Canon Warrior.
Pray that we do not alter the deal further, Lloyd.
What, are you going to require at least one thread with a canon mate?!
And then I never dropped the thread with Genis ever.
some say that thread still continues all these years later
Actually, you'd have to find and recruit your own canonmate.
Not gonna lie, I've threaded with someone for 6 months. >.>
I have a meme thread going from November so I feel you.
We had something like 200-300 comments in that thread at the end.
just between the two of us.
Yuri has no worries either XD Zuko on the other hand... Rofl
Time to... get Zuko a girlfriend???
Or a boyfriend, if that's how he swings.
I volunteer Yuri. He almost looks like a girl anyway, so best of both worlds, right?
I mean... I am so not saying anything about that. >_>
(If only they weren't played by the same person. ;3 )
Wait what? How can my characters date each other rofl
We can pretend for the sake of hilarious meta!
Zuko could always steal Wan from Mia
Or they could just form a threesome.
Okay, but joking aside. Serious concern here. Requiring a thread with a non-canonmate. What happens, for instance, for the Avatar people if the non-Avatar characters just aren't very active?
We cry. Rivers of sadness. As we said, this is a work-in-progress. A continual experiment. We're not going to actively seek out to punish people for things that aren't their fault.
That's why we're running things on a trial basis. We're hoping that the non-Avatar characters will be encouraged to play more during the upcoming plot.
But yes, we should have a sense of that before AC in March.
Meanwhile: Help us, Nivi-wan Kenobi?
You're in demand.
I'm glad you've considered that.
Okay, and that brings another concern that's on a more personal level for me.
I am not a higly active RPer, in large part because of my job. I joined this game on the promise to myself that I wouldn't let it overwhelm me.
I don't want to suddenly become highly in demand and have people needing threads with me.
That's okay. <3 This is not being done to put more pressure on you. If you can't, then you can't. And there are certainly other non-canons. This does not rest solely on your shoulders.
It's just a concern I want to put on the table.
I personally would only want people to thread with me as a LCW because they wanted to, not because they felt obliged to
threads that feel forced just aren't fun for either side
And if you feel it is for one reason or another, please let us know, because that would be something we would want to address.
moonsilver: /nods. That's why we're doing this as a trial run. Our primary interest is to actually help
generate the rp through ic moves and not have it come all from the AC motivation.
What if you did something with a reward system instead?
But if we get towards the end of March and find that it's not working, then plainly we need to change it.
I've been in games where people who could provide links to proof of certain requirements earned certain rewards for their character.
Roughly, as an example "If you can provide X number of links to threads with non-canonmates totally Y number of comments from you, your character can get chocolate pie! (Or whatever reward.)"
(Heck, I'd like chocolate pie. Can I get chocolate pie?)
I think that's definitely an interesting thought! We'll think about that one.
Just tack it onto AC, so that it's not as a requirement per se, but as an added incentive bonus.
Though you'd have to consider how to make it a fair challenge for the LCWs, too.
Since obviously all our threads will be with non-canonmates. XD
We'd need to figure out what sort of rewards to give away, of course. I'm not sending people chocolate pie from Australia. It would be [a] expensive and [b] yucky by the time it got to the States.
But it is an idea to consider.
I'd make it an IC reward. XD
I know there are other games (heck, I'm in one) that have a rewards system for AC and other things.
It just requires figuring out the framework for what those rewards can be.
nivisecond: Well. There's always the recruiting a canonmate . . .
/so not serious
Oh man... Kiyi is going to be a struggle..... Dove is fine though. Yay OCs!
dovefire: Surely there are some other people in the city who would love a kid! Or if she absolutely couldn't be without Zuko or something, maybe you guys could do a three-way rp?
A five year old can't really be by themselves. Zuko would be a bad brother. XD
But yes, three ways are a thing
And if it's a three-way with a non-canonmate, you both win, right?
I am always willing to throw either of my characters your direction as well.
BlackPidgeot: Well, Kiyi is pretty headstrong. Zuko can't blame himself if she gets away at one point or another! He can't
always be right there.
And if that freaks him out . . . that's potentially a character plot too? /again, just throwing thoughts out
I have thought about having her run off at some point
The only problem I can see with the AC trial now is that we don't really have that many non-Avatar folks.
She also can firebend now and DOESNT know how to control it D:
If Zuko weren't an overprotective big brother, I'd say you could just handwave his presence. "Oh, he's over there lurking in the background, nbd."
Might be better to wait and try it out once we recruit/bring in a bigger population of non-Avatar folks. Just my humble opinion though.
I'm not sure how many non-Avatar people we have right now. I don't know that the Taken post is fully up to date.
Yeah, I thought of that too. I could swear quite a few of them have dropped out along the way sadly, yeah?
It isn't. But let's see what I can do just from eyeballing it.
Taken and housing definitely needs an update though.
Yes they do. I'd say we're at roughly 40-50% non-Avatar characters. Plus or minus since none of the lists are up to date.
Oh hey, that's higher than I thought.
Gumshoe, Connor, Mia, Jackie, Nabooru??, Dove, Ruby, Yang, Yuri. Lloyd, Nezha.
Let me run through the drop list really quick and at least update the Taken list.
Compared to about 10 Avatar characters.
So actually . . . more non-canons than canons at this point, potentially.
Ooooh. Nice. I guess it just seemed less because it's been so quiet.
goodluckstarfighter: Absolutely. But thank you for inspiring us to actually count; I know it makes me feel better too.
viela: No worries about January. We're not even going to look at it, so you're safe there.
<3 It'd be kind of crazy to go back now. Let's keep looking forward.
I am always up for throwing my LCW at people if they need AC help.
I have 13 non-Avatar people and 15 Avatar people in the finalised list, I think.
We weren't sure if we should count Satoru and Jin or not, so they're there for right now.
Dove wants to be friends with EVERYONE
As for Zuko lurking.... I'm not sure how that would work out, considering he's kinda the only firelord around now... ^__^;
unless he was scary mask again
Toph: /gears up for maskbending
Return of the Blue Spirit?
I always like Zuko's Blue Spirit arc. :3
/did too! Zuko with dao swords is awesome. /also belatedly enjoys your display name. XD
"Nivi" doesn't lend itself well to really cool plurk nicknames, but that one was awesome. XD
I don't change my name often because of that, and because I want people to still recognize me.
Two birds with one stone! /o/
/inspires a Plurk name! /all proud
The last time I changed my Plurk name, I changed it to Navi, as a joke.
Player Contact and Taken lists are now up to date.
I still wanna bring Katara into Cyc...
maybe I could finally get my Blue Spirit Painted Lady play time
Sweet. I'm gonna check the Taken list.
...Lloyd is officially the only OU non-Avatar character in the game.
Does that make me some kind of extra special LCW?
Congratulations! You win chocolate cake! From Australia!
May or may not arrive stale or upside down.
International postal service isn't always reliable. :3;
My brother once asked us to ship some barbeque sauce to him in Brazil.
...it showed up two years later.
He decided he didn't want it after all. XD
I have never had trouble with it yet. :3 Thankfully.
If that's the case, then I will gladly accept this stale chocolate cake as a reward.
Well, I've also never shipped food internationally. XD
Namely because shipping food
to Australia would ensure that it would never make it past quarantine.
Ship fruitcake. I guarantee it will arrive in the same condition it left.
I had a teacher in college who kept a twinkie. He said the plastic wrapper started to deteriorate before the twinkie did.