Coldplay - True Love (Official video)For a second, I was in control
I had it once, I lost it though
Remember once upon a time,
when I was yours and you were blind
The fire would sparkle in your eyes and mine
latest #7
Coldplay - Magic (Official video)Call it magic, call it true
I call it magic when I'm with you
And I just got broken, broken into two
Still I call it magic, when I'm next to you
Coldplay - The ScientistNobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
No one ever said that it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
Running in circles, coming up tails
Coldplay - ClocksShoot an apple off my head
And a trouble that can't be named
The tiger's waiting to be tamed
Curse missed opportunities
You are home where I wanted to go
Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars (Official video)I want to die in your arms
Cause you get lighter, the more it gets dark
I'm going to give you my heart
I don't care
Go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do
Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is a Waterfallyou can hurt me bad
still I'll raise the flag
Maybe I'm in the black, maybe I'm on my knees
I'm in the gap between the two trapezes
But my heart is beating and my pulses start
愛並非永遠都轟轟烈烈,有些時候你不會再時時刻刻都想與對方親吻、擁抱,你可能會覺得自己的伴侶是痛苦的來源,而你們會有所爭執。但當夜晚來臨,你們一起躺在床上時會分享一天發生的事;就算在兩個不同的房間看電視,廣告時依舊會打開對方的門看看他在做什麼;而當他不在身邊,家中不再有腳步聲、沒人在身旁和你說話時,你才會突然明白,因為他的存在自己是多麼幸福。– Joey,88歲
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