9 years ago

So glad I was able to get my hands on two of these on the day of release. They're going for like $450-500 now on Amazon/eBay. :-o
latest #12
9 years ago
Nice. I wanted to buy one but couldn't find a preorder anywhere online.
9 years ago
Yeah, I missed out on the pre-order too. Gamestop and Best Buy were the only ones that had them up for pre-order, and after those went live, all pre-orders were sold within an hour.
9 years ago
Even after the release date for the New Nintendo 3DS XL, no one's still gotten their Majora's Mask Edition. I've been following forums to keep track of who pre-ordered them and if they got them yet.
9 years ago
A lot of them have gotten the shipping confirmation that it's been shipped and should be coming in Monday. A lot of other people had their pre-orders cancelled because they couldn't be fulfilled.
9 years ago
Apparently, the New Nintendo 3DS is really popular. Last time I was at work, there were only 2 red ones and 3 black ones left (we started with 3 red and 7 black).
9 years ago
Apparently, everyone else is pretty much sold out, like Target, Best Buy, Walmart and Gamestop. I'm assuming by the time I get back to work from this long weekend, whatever we have will be gone too.
9 years ago
So you got yours from work then?
9 years ago
Nah. I was hoping we'd get them in, but when I received the package for our stock of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D WITHOUT the Majora's Mask Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL, I kind of lost hope from there.
9 years ago
So I woke my ass up hella early on the day of release and waited outside a nearby Target at like 7:45am (they open at 8:00am) and got like 6th in line. There was about 10 of us total including my mom, lol.
9 years ago
When they opened up, they told us to go to electronics, single file, no pushing, no shoving, or no one gets one. They had exactly 10 for all 10 of us lined up, so we all left pretty happy.
9 years ago
I had to do hella research the previous night to find out who had them at launch. Supposedly Best Buy and Target. Most people said Target, and that their stock was anywhere between 3-5, 7 at most.
9 years ago
I was surprised that the Target I went to had 10, which was enough for everyone that lined up that morning. It's crazy because we had hella people asking me at work if we were getting them in too.
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