craftsnvrcease says
9 years ago
My daughter called my mom to get her to take the baby to the hospital because she thinks he is stopping breathing periodically. She thinks she is overreacting and so does her dad. I told her to get it checked
9 years ago
but her dad is throwing a fit saying that his nose is just stuffy, but she is concerned. I would rather that he gets checked out for her sake as well as his.
9 years ago
I never think it is silly or overreacting when it comes to a baby doing something that is not normal for him. Plus it doesn't help she is in the house by herself because her dad and grandmother are at work.
yenforyarn says
9 years ago
Definitely better safe than sorry!
9 years ago
that's what I figured, but I guess her dad talked her out of taking the baby to the hospital. I just hope it isn't serious