9 years ago

Took this picture for a reminder and for my self satisfaction that yes i had long hairs, miss them already T_T
latest #10
9 years ago
you can grow them back :-)
9 years ago
Spiker_Wave: I do this every year, grow them long in the winters but as the summer is almost there i make them short ;-)
9 years ago
LadyPan: you should come here and tell this to my older sisterrrrrrrr she always complains about me having long hairs, i don't want to show myself in short hairs, i look terrible :-P
9 years ago
LadyPan: Hahaha well tell your brother if he likes having long hairs then don't have a haircut otherwise he is gonna regret like i am now :-P
9 years ago
LadyPan: you have no idea how happy my sister got when the day i had a haircut and i entered home she was like celebrating, this much she hates long hairs on me (LOL)
9 years ago
LadyPan: But i grow them long every year, no big deal
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