9 years ago
Maybe i should start posting random statuses like others to keep the karma up :-P
latest #11
Mar!ssa says
9 years ago
or statuses about your current situation
9 years ago
Actually i don't know what should i write about my current situation, everyday is the same routine, Classes, work and then some gymming, that's it.
Mar!ssa says
9 years ago
erm like maybe class was boring today, or weird client at work or burn # calories, had what for lunch and did you love it???
Mar!ssa says
9 years ago
called my mother today, talked to my siblings about etc
9 years ago
Spiker_Wave: Haha thank you, not a bad idea, so how are you ? And your friend who was in hospital ?
9 years ago
Is she alright now ?
Mar!ssa says
9 years ago
she just went back to the hospital because her potassium level drop really low and it's dangerous to her heart
Mar!ssa says
9 years ago
as for me, started the new semester this week. I'm still really blur because I havent been doing much for the past 1 month break ;-P
Mar!ssa says
9 years ago
my brain is working slowly..... haha
9 years ago
Spiker_Wave: Poor girl, she have my prayers, tell her that someone she doesn't know is praying for her well being :-)
9 years ago
Well, my brain is working slowly too, haven't been concentrating on my studies for the past 3 months. :-P
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