I still couldn't sleep so I went downstairs to get a drink and Rhys is playing Slender Fortress alone omg
latest #79
9 years ago
...well then
9 years ago
9 years ago
Bless their soul...???
god turds
9 years ago
I was going to say some other stuff but then Plurk was being weird so
I thought about it and I might make one of those personal plurks that are all the rage these days
that way I could whine and wail and no one would be there unless they wanted to see me doing so, so I wouldn't have to feel guilty about it
god turds
9 years ago
that's a really good idea, actually
because I do feel like putting things out where other people can see them does contribute to how helpful it is to do it
but I also don't want to just throw them around where it might be, hm, uncomfortable for people who aren't interested in dealing with my mental health stuff
I'm not going to put 100% of my personal stuff in a separate plurk but if it's like how it was tonight or similar it can go over there
god turds
9 years ago
Yeah, it would be good to have that certainty that you aren't bothering anyone.
god turds
9 years ago
if only for your own peace of mind about it
god turds
9 years ago
one of those "I know everyone here is comfortable, so I'm comfortable" things.
yeah, exactly
9 years ago
When you do make it, let me onboard.
9 years ago
I'll be around to listen at the very least.
god turds
9 years ago
I'll make another plurk about it, haha
I also might just move plurks in general, I want to change usernames
9 years ago
But precious precious karma tho /shanked
that's why I've been like "eh... ehn" about doing it
god turds
9 years ago
I WAS SO UPSET WHEN I MOVED PLURKS AND LET MY KARMA GO but then after a point I stopped paying attention
but in either case I'll have a public RP plurk and a friend-locked personal one
9 years ago
Yeah, I didn't care too much about karma myself either. I've been on karma vacation for a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile now.
I just checked and the name I wanted for my personal one is available, soooooo
haha I actually put it on karma vacation once I got over 100
because my internet numbers going down makes me angry
and I didn't want to have to worry about it since I've been having periods where I don't plurk for a few days sometimes
god turds
9 years ago
if you do move rp plurks you can just spam that one about your freezing feelings and you will have your karma back in no time
god turds
9 years ago
god turds
9 years ago
when I finally get around to reading it and make plurks about my feelings you are going to laugh at me in revenge
I'm really behind on Freezing right now :')
god turds
9 years ago
I feel it in my bones
that's part of the plan
god turds
9 years ago
haha moo this is stupid but I was thinking about how I wish you played Dragon Age because I think you would get me
but I'm actually just being mad about someone boiling down a character I love to SHE'S PROBLEMATIC BECAUSE SHE'S AN EVIL LESBIAN
9 years ago
Frankly considering the last time I remember you discussing Freezing it involved the utterly sick Gengo Aoi I wouldn't be surprised if that had to do with you falling behind...
god turds
9 years ago
haha I was convinced that I would like to play it in the last midsyn mod plurk
god turds
9 years ago
not the one I just put up but the one before that
god turds
9 years ago
I heard the words MEDIEVAL DATING GAME and was like
god turds
9 years ago
lmao I only want to read Pair Love Stories and that hasn't updated in months
that's exactly it
god turds
9 years ago
I know where my spring break is going
I also love all the characters but the romance was an important consideration
I'm just so rumprazzled about someone being like "Branka is queer and a villain and that's terrible" when her sexuality and what makes her a bad person have nothing to do with each other
and in fact it's the kind of the opposite in that she throws her lover under a bus because FOR SCIENCE
god turds
9 years ago
villains have the right to be queer too
BUT YES you should also read Freezing so someone else will understand, and I can be the one to laugh
god turds
9 years ago
9 years ago
/looks at Infinite Stratos
9 years ago
god turds
9 years ago
9 years ago
I just got fatigued on the main story and I refuse to read Freezing Zero because I'm so angry about this one character's treatment I don't want to see the author touch her anymore
9 years ago
deal with that first before I deal with Freezing
9 years ago
9 years ago
Do I really want to suffer through two trashy things at the same time... (unsure)
I should catch up on the main comic because there's a Nyx character tho
Freezing has consumed so much of my ire I don't know if I could read another series like it at the same time
alright accounts made. salroka for general account, compotens for personal.
I'll make another plurk about this when it's not like four in the morning lol
9 years ago
/sends add request
I'm gonna try to actually sleep now though
god turds
9 years ago
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