10 years ago
So apparently I rolled a nat 20 on an appraise check in real life today. 12-string acoustic with new strings, comes with a case, BEAUTIFUL sound. Only catch is some cosmetic damage as it's used.
10 years ago
All of it, including the case, is $300. The case separately could be $100, and the 12-string right next to the one I got was over $1000 and in only a little better shape.
10 years ago
Granted, $300 was barely in my price range, I've never played a 12-string before, and I walked in there looking for an acoustic bass, but I'm in dire need of a guitar and this was just too beautiful.
10 years ago
#hashtagnat20irl #hashtagthisiswhyweuseappraise #hashtagwtfmelangeyouneverdohashtags
10 years ago
ALTERNATE EXPLANATION: The store owner rolled a 1 on his appraise check.