latest #38
We'll start with the easy one first
11./ Bus, bus all the way. Subways are underground. In tunnels. You can be easily trapped in them. While they're good if you need a defensible position... bad news if you're attacked in one.
also you can see the sky and stuff while riding a bus
scenery is cool yo
lemme think a bit on 4 and 12 so I can articulate them well. (also I'm a little indisposed atm)
(bleaching my hair. had to take my glasses off, so I couldn't see =-= )
4. For this one, I'd like to point out that we're disregarding the dub entirely wrt his accent. (Honestly, I disregard the dub entirely when it comes to RPing, SO.)
But... when speaking German he obviously has a very strong Northern accent. For example: the word spiel.
Generally you'll hear it pronounced "schpeel". He'd pronounce it as written: "speel". (to transcribe into english phonetics ish)
same for other words beginning with "st" and "sp".
this is why his dub accent annoys me btw. too much "sh" sounds
He does tend towards some Berlinerisch, like pronouncing "ich" as "ick"...
As far as English goes: He doesn't have a heavy German accent. But he still can't quite wrap his tongue around the word squirrel.
What is that word even? It's like "sk"+"whirl" but how does a mouth go from a kuh to a wuh sound?
(In French -which he begrudgingly knows quite well- he has similar issues with "quoi".)
That's about all I can think of atm as far as accent goes. As far as verbal tics
Doesn't really have any? I mean that laugh of his probably counts but that's canon lbr
lol I lumped the accent one in with this one; I thought it was part of this one. so I accidentally #3 as well
look, he's not an eloquent man. his response to something enraging is basically a long stream of "fuck you". when he's nervous he also kind of trips over his words
so. no, he's not particularly good at it beyond gloating and whatnot. (doesn't help he suppresses a lot of his feelings)
give him time to prepare and he does a lot better, though
12. This is a tricky one. On the one hand he used to be a Catholic religious order. On the other hand, he's gone through a few changes as far as his official religion since then, and now there isn't one.
At the same time... science. You can't argue with science. Evolution is absolutely real, no question. And he's been around long enough to see that humans... kind of make a lot of shit up when they don't have
answers or means to get the answers they seek.
So. If pressed, he'd likely pick either a Catholic or Lutheran church simply out of familiarity, but he's honestly squarely in the, "Dunno if there's a god, but if there is one? He'll just hafta forgive me."
(In stark contrast to his younger years where he was p. much begging God for forgiveness after touching Hungary's boob.)
get online? 'u'
31. His initial response would be potatoes. Once it is clarified that no additional ingredients may be used in the preparation of this dish that are not already present in said dish...
he will look at you utterly heartbroken and then go with Königsberger Klopse.
21. Does this really need to be asked?
Assuming by murder we mean permanent death, no take-back-sies
We all know why.
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