latest #56
ask me things
9 years ago
Cael: 4, 18, 22
9 years ago
Rin: 2, 16, 25
9 years ago
13 for Holly. XD
Claudia, 10~
I'm just going to answer these in order of how easy they are
Claudia, 10
I think she doesn't dream much simply by virtue of her illness; she's woken up by chronic pain way, way more frequently than she is dreams
and to an extent, the interrupts her sleep so that she doesn't get...the chance to dream much
In general, she has a lot of restless nights for that reason.
Probably, if she really, really can't sleep, she'd get up and find something to read--either her Bible or a novel
(carrying herself out to the living room so she doesn't disturb Kirei by turning on the lights, of course!!!)
The Bible was read more frequently the closer she was to her death
laughs hysterically
OKAY IN SERIOUSNESS, in canon, she treats everyone but the protagonist as HER ENEMY, and that exception is only if you chose to ally with her over Rani v(unsure)v
But enemies of distinction are Julius and Leo Harway, since... One is an assassin of the plutocrats she has aligned herself against, and the other is the heir set to inherit their empire?
In Institute, that's a bit more flexible, for obvious reasons. So I'd say she doesn't have any particular enemies because she hasn't been throwing herself against one particular group at this point
Her enemy is THE SYSTEM.
(though I would love it if someone apped the Harways :-()
Rin tends to get really fixated on things in a broader sense, but she has learned to multitask and divide her attention out of necessity
To an extent, she even makes a point to keep one eye on her surroundings at all times, just because she's used to needing to be on the alert?
So she's on her toes even while she's ostensibly focusing on only one thing.
Her natural tendency, though, is to focus entirely on one thing at a time, and if she isn't careful, she can lapse into as much by mistake
If she feels too comfortable or whatever
Deeefinitely an introvert, but he's an introvert with a large family
A large loud Greek family
So he's another one who has learned to act against his natural tendencies out of necessity :-))
Or, rather, while he's not necessarily outgoing, he can juggle a lot of social interaction at once without much problem, even if it leaves him drained later
Also because he was the eldest so he was used to having to deal with his siblings' problems
He can't say large crowds are his faaavorite thing, but he can weather them well enough, so he's pretty passive about them. He'll just deal with things as they come up
I wish these wishes were a physical object so I could say he panics and drops them on the ground, shattering them
Because that's about how he'd feel if he was handed them!
More seriously, at least two of them would go toward making the world better for mutants v(unsure)v Maybe one and a half if he panics and says "W... World peace???"
What he really wants is to have his family back, but I don't know if he would actually go through with using a wish for that, for a few different reasons
One being that he doesn't want to force them and the other being ~selfishness.
I'M NOT SURE WHAT THIS QUESTION EVEN MEANS TBH?? like, physically or personality-wise or what
She has red eyes and silver hair, but at least one of those isn't all that uncommon in Freezing's designs v(unsure)v
She's... extremely skilled with her Pandora abilities? Not world class, but she's at the top of her school's rankings
And I think she's the only Pandora that's been shown using her weapon both as regular weapon and a sentinel system, so there's that
(Her special technique is producing multiple copies of her sword, which can be levitated and manipulated independently)
Also I think she's the only girl who's been shown to have pierced ears, or at least wear earrings frequently
Haha, I've always wanted to do a thread where one of them gets torn out in a fight, and she just shrugs and picks it up while her ear heals up
~healing factors~
Sometimes he just picks really weird or idiosyncratic metaphors to use to describe something...
He's also bad at telling jokes, or sometimes making it clear that he's joking, does that count
Haha, ~canon~-wise, he was never really exposed to sarcasm for Reasons, so in his Institute AU, that's something he struggles with
Though I have him as being better about it than he was pre-timeskip
But yeah basically jokes are hard.
Not that is mentioned in canon, unless the emotional scars count
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