latest #76
I'll app Hakko
I keep waffling about my initial plans because
niche characters in a game with smut AC
haha actually I might go for it anyway, and if it doesn't work out, whatever!
actually I might make a pro/con plurk later once I sort out which Type-Moon ladies are the main contenders
because of course it's all type-moon ladies
yes... I'm excited
that since non-canon AUs are allowed
I could app Master Arturia
I had a lot of fun playing her in that one meme thread I did
I should dust it off and reply to it and think about it more seriously
I promised someone I'd be gross and play Manaka there but now I have cold feet!
there are a couple of others I'd play but their canon backstory makes me feel really iffy about going through with it
(Maiya, Kohaku)
I could also consider Arcueid (thinking)
yeah it looks interesting so I'm keeping an eye on it haha
god turds
9 years ago
god turds
9 years ago
I'll need to update her history with the new information Fragments has given me
god turds
9 years ago
I need to do that for Misaya anyway so you know. We can suffer together.
and also probably rewrite her personality again
because I'm never satisfied with it
god turds
9 years ago
I should just use that one picture for misaya's personality
god turds
9 years ago
"also she likes dogs"
god turds
9 years ago
but also
god turds
9 years ago
god turds
9 years ago
haha Manaka in games that give incentives to have sex is always so stupid, because on the one hand she's super powerhungry
but on the other
I might go for both
god turds
9 years ago
clearly what you need is a saber
I really love Hakko and she's a character that would work easily in a sex game
god turds
9 years ago
it's true!
but most of them remove powers and I have no interest in playing them with her voice restored
this is a good opportunity
god turds
9 years ago
yes. I might finally get to play with your Hakko 'A'
god turds
9 years ago
but man arturia would be cool too...
god turds
9 years ago
I just want to touch your tms with my tms
I would love to play her but idk if I want to play her in... a sex game
someone just make another game that allows AUs <_>
dream: AUrturia, Shirou, and sad old man Kiritsugu together in one game
god turds
9 years ago
that would be grand to watch
because I still plan to app someone to Cerealia
god turds
9 years ago
I am lucky that most games don't interest me right now
I can only ever really sustain three games with a total of... maybe six characters
with no more than three in any one game
which is terrible because I always want more (nottalking)
I still might go for a Bioware character at Institute though
oh my god I went to look at those f-list kink lists I made and 1.) I DON'T REMEMBER SIGNING OFF ON SOME OF THIS
2.) I like how my Hakko list is basically just I ONLY WANT NICE THINGS FOR THIS CHARACTER
god turds
9 years ago
and then you think about apping her to horrible games
god turds
9 years ago
so typically you
haha it's funnier when I have one for Manaka and it's full of gross things
and then Hakko's is just like "please be nice to her, she's delicate :-("
9 years ago
.... So whats MidSyn anyway
tl;dr it's a sex game with a noir setting
and witches
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