Daemon Mad
9 years ago
You know a model kit's bad when Iit needs this much fabwork just for blatant gaps:
latest #14
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
And that's just the main body- and just the structure I needed to add (cut from spare sprue from a cheapass KiTech kit) to have something to
I'm guessing it wasn't cheap either...
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
build the putty up on, so I can fix a few of the more immediately visible failings of this kit.
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
Cyberpink: It was for me, because I snapped them up cheap on clearance after Mongoose Games lost the license for Starship Troopers, but
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
yeah, originally this was a $35 (20£ or so) kit.
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
It's pathetic, though- you'll notice that I've also had to create and add a internal alignment pins and panels, too-
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
just so the two halves fucking line up, when put together. The "lip" around the edges is crooked, and has as much as 2mm wiggle room, if
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
not more, in places.
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
I've also had to repurpose (and extensively rework) a spare clear canopy from another kit for this model, because the included canopy simply
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
doesn't fit, period, to the extent that I actually had to check with other builders of the kit, because I thought maybe I'd gotten a mispack
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
And if anyone's wondering "Why bother, if it's so terrible?"
Practice, and as a learning experience. I'm playing around a bit with creating
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
kits from scratch (I.E., literally from styrene sheet, rods, tubes, etc.), so I figured, it'll be good for honing my skillz, and as a bit of
Daemon Mad
9 years ago
a masterclass in how not to design a model.
You need a 3D printer to make your own pieces.
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