my keyboard, my keyboard, why hast thou forsaken me?
latest #13
if Dave won't lend me his bluetooth keyboard i may have 2 hiatus @
my entire top row s dead
i am typng using the character map
aglovale ⚔
9 years ago
god i remember when i lost an s on my laptop, that was teh worst
i just wish it were the bottom row...
aglovale ⚔
9 years ago
the one no one uses 8(
aglovale ⚔
9 years ago
oh man i ended up copy pasting s's before i could get a new keyboard
I am hopng 4 bluetooth keyboarrd lending. I can't afford to have the keyboad replaced
and while i could tag from my phone... it is difficult 4 anything otherr than action spam
aglovale ⚔
9 years ago
ugh yeah i have such mad props for people who can tag from their phones
me 2. i have done it, but i'd rather not for an extended period of time
aglovale ⚔
9 years ago
yeah, it tires my hand out so much, and that's just one or two tags akljds
9 years ago
keyboard, keyboard, wherefore art thou broken
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