[rp plurk]
latest #147
should I even bother with the app cap lmao
like, between the app standards and the proposed time skip, I'm really uncertain about it
I would be writing an app from the ground up and lol samples because I didn't post to the test drive
the timeskip won't be happening for a few months from what I understand? but like
this is the last app round before it and idk if I would want to app into the game post-timeskip, if it happens
so I'm flopping around like this is my LAST CHANCE
and also because apps won't be opening again for like four months
I should have reserved Tenshi instead!!!
I'm not sure I even want to do it before the timeskip because I'd barely get a chance to play the character as I apped them before shenanigans
yeah, that makes sense
You can have your character opt out of the timeskip
so they'd be asleep and wouldn't change, etc.
I think the idea of a timeskip is pretty cool, but I also feel like it would work better in a small game haha
yeah, that sleep option doesn'
help a lot when the whole rest of the game is changing, too
I don't really find that to be a better option, but whatevs! if the people want the timeskip, I'm not going to be like HOW DARE THEY
like, to be pretty frank, I don't think anyone took into account new players/characters when they steamrolled ahead with that idea
but it is, ultimately, there game
so they can run it how they like
THEIR even, how embarassing
but yeah that's basically how I feel :\a about why I'm not a fan of the opt-out
I need to stop being lazy and clear you my game tags
but I only have the energy to indulge one hobby a day, and today I killed four high dragons
I want to go back to old meme things too, but it's been so long...!
I don't care how long it is, gimme hatatatatatatatatatat
I apparently need a lot of asspatting today
haha I've been having a terrible time with rp inertia :\a getting going is my real issue lately
god turds
9 years ago
oh my god moo
god turds
9 years ago
god turds
9 years ago
haha I want to put up a rumor about Rin and Liir
which would set up Rin showing up at his dorm and telling Gilgamesh to get his ass out so she can talk to Liir privately (LOL)
I saw that and laughed
because it sets things up for me pretty perfectly tbh
TaoOfCrime by the way if you didn't know Liir has a new roommate you do now
that's nice gilgamesh but she's busy
/takes over room
/ignores everyone else's comfort
god turds
9 years ago
come on rin you know that means he's just going to pester waver DX
god turds
9 years ago
I feel bad for both my characters' roommates tbh
Rin is an extremely polite (if impersonal) roommate
it's everyone else's space you need to worry about
god turds
9 years ago
Rin might like her roommate
god turds
9 years ago
depends on if she tries to touch the gem hoard or not
god turds
9 years ago
I can see Tohsaka and Tousaka squabbling over money already
god turds
9 years ago
god turds
9 years ago
lots of where did you even get that
god turds
9 years ago
and just what are you implying
Tousaka lost like... all of her hoarded money
because she had to bribe her way overseas
he can stay in his own room for a small fee, then
god turds
9 years ago
I will enjoy it so very much when both rins figure out they can bully gilgamesh for expensive items
god turds
9 years ago
they can make a game of it
god turds
9 years ago
who gets the most expensive thing this week, who extorts him faster the next, etc
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
hello yes I have been pinged
I already brought up the idea to asterismos but Gilgamesh has been roomed with Liir so
would you, at some point, be interested in a dumb log with the three of them :-))
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
they have exactly opposite self esteems
I just really want Rin to show up at Liir's room to talk about Things with him, and then order Gilgamesh to get out of his own room so they can have some privacy
because obviously she can kick people out of their own dorms
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
Rin don't do things that will start rumors
it's too late
because I already put up a rumor
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
new goal: saga or rumors about rin macking on liir, then dumping him to make gilgamesh her sugar daddy, and then rin stealing gilgamesh from rin
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
you mean liir stealing gilgamesh from rin
gilgamesh two timing rin tousaka with rin tohsaka, then liir stealing gilgamesh from them both
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
and then Liir puts a porno on autoplay so they can have an alibi while they're out doing something subversive
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
(thanks Moxxie)
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
rumor: Rin makes Liir dress up in a witch outfit and lick her ruby slippers
this is so accurate no one will dispute it
I can't find a cap of her ingame render that includes her shoes, why...
I'm angry about the fact that she appears to be wearing high heels over leather boots over thigh highs to this day
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
how the fuck she walks
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
zettai ryouimpractical
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
Liir's just so boring and down to earth that he's going to run with this "they're doing it" thing to give them some cover
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
although he'll feel a little bad to Triism. Even though they're kinda broken up. And he might be dead or in prison.
rin's reactions would be exactly the same if they were doing it, so no one will ever be able to tell
like if someone brought it up to her
haha I have like zero desire to play Rin in an in-game ship but I SURE DO LOVE STUPID RELATIONSHIP RUMORS
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
people need to start asking her stuff
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
"So, like...Does he turn green everywhere?"
there's also going to be a series of increasingly stupid rumors about the connection between rin tohsaka and rin tousaka so I want people to ask her stupid shit so badly
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
who at this school is inappropriate enough to publicly fantasize about Rin/Rin
rin yells at them that they're idiots, slams her hands down, and gets up to walk away... then walks back just to say "and what makes you think I'd tell you anyway!!!"
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
I'm just imagining Liir being so uncomfortable trying to bro it up when he's interrogated about it
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
because he tried to do that in the army and everyone could tell he was a virgin
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
(at the time)
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
the narrative assures us that fucking noone was fooled
no matter what he says if it gets back to her he'll be in so much trouble
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
between his messy hair and his secondary mutation, he's gonna look like a piece of broccoli
I just really want to see Liir being uncomfortable as he tries to pretend he's hitting that
this is so stupid
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
"Yeah...the pigtails are..." (he just kindof mumbles and uncomfortably grins)
oh my god don't give people ideas about her pigtails!!!!
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
people already have those ideas
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
oh fuck this turned into tMoHS
she might do it anyway so people will stop saying she looks like tohsaka
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
Liir is going to be very weirded out btw
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
and probably blurt out sensitive stuff to her
Lotions Keith
9 years ago
he inherited his mother's profound discomfort with just about everything
god turds
9 years ago

whispers I'm an adult
she was here first
god turds
9 years ago
SO X-(
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