JakobDanick wonders
10 years ago
It baffles me about people who lie and keep the lie going even though others know they are perpetuating the lie because they have been cast asunder but need to latch onto a different group. #Interestingleech
10 years ago
You expected something else in SL?
JakobDanick says
10 years ago
Yeah look at me thinking someone can be human.
Cate Heartsong
10 years ago
Does the lie hurt your or others that you love directly? If not, his ignore them and move on.
JakobDanick says
10 years ago
Oh yes the lie is continuing even to the point, others perpetuate the lie in their profile because they think it's funny.
JakobDanick says
10 years ago
There's nothing like dealing with grown ups.