9 years ago
Am glad 2014 is over, however also know 15 isn't going to get any easier. Having my brother here is so hard an I don't see any change anytime soon. He has no place to go until an if we can get his house clean
latest #16
9 years ago
but then we still have the problem of his memory. He doesn't remember to even shower, change his clothes or his meds. Now if he was living on his own the shower wouldn't be a big deal :-)) I just don't know
9 years ago
what is going to happen. I still haven't gotten him on disability or any kind of assistance. His money won't llast much longer. Not sure how much longer I will last. I love him I really do, however the
9 years ago
resentments are starting. It is hard when he did all this to himself. My plate is over flowing an I have no energy to find another
9 years ago
Greg Lizolile
9 years ago
Prayers added. Very stressful situation.
Greg Lizolile
9 years ago
I missed the backstory, but wonder cause of his disability?
9 years ago
he tried to drink himself to death. Took our moms death very hard, pretty much stopped eating an started drinking
9 years ago
It will be a year the 15th since he ended up in the hospital an as they say the rest is history
Mrs. Montoya
9 years ago
9 years ago
pennyante says
9 years ago
Hope that disability will come through for him.
9 years ago
it might if I could get through the paper work. Its hard when I don't know the answers an neither does he. Having a hard time finding help just filling it out
Mrs. Montoya
9 years ago
Is there someone in social services who could help? Maybe where you got the paperwork, perhaps a help line?
9 years ago
I will start making phone calls again Monday, this is just too frustrating. With him not being able to help makes it harder. I can't be the only person that has had to do this, but to find the right people to
9 years ago
help has proven frustrating as all get out
Mrs. Montoya
9 years ago
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