Rebecca L-S says
I'm learning how to use InDesign today. My brain is hurting from trying to grasp so much new stuff but I am loving it.
jen says
That's something I need to learn, too.
scaryoldguy says
simple combining of layers and objects ('till you get to the desktop publishing parts)
Rebecca L-S says
Yes, it's very intuitive for me because I already have a strong history with Photoshop and Web Design (including CSS). It's a case of getting the hang of where the tools are an all the cool features.
Rebecca L-S says
But the book layout is coming along and I've successfully been able to export with bleeds to PDF for a great looking outcome. Next up is to overlay text over images.
Rebecca L-S says
And then to try to integrate the interactive Kindle features assuming I can figure out if the plugin I supposedly installed is actually working.