Tilly says
9 years ago
My video card is running at 103 degrees with the side off, that's bad, right ?
latest #29
Nimil says
9 years ago
yes very!
Nimil says
9 years ago
are the fans in your videocard running??
Tilly says
9 years ago
9 years ago
you're about 5 degrees from a bluescreen assuming that's celsius
9 years ago
if its Fahrenheit no biggie
Tilly says
9 years ago
I've been having issues with the monitors going off and the fans going nuts, downloaded a nVidia temp monitor thing today and it shows the temp is high :-(
Tilly says
9 years ago
it's C
9 years ago
Better put a ventilator in front of it or it will blow
9 years ago
105/110 is the point it dies usually
Tilly says
9 years ago
9 years ago
Or take it out and get the dust off the fan
Tilly says
9 years ago
did that the other day
Tilly says
9 years ago
it wasn't that dusty really
9 years ago
probably the gpu fan bearing is going bad
9 years ago
Weird it heats up so much then
9 years ago
Yeah that
9 years ago
sometimes you can buy a rebuild kit
Tilly says
9 years ago
it's a GTX 560 ti
9 years ago
google or newegg or amazon for a kti maybe
9 years ago
Tilly says
9 years ago
Thanks, hubby is looking online for something. Pain in the ass :-(
9 years ago
An MSI you can download a progam to speed up the fans
Nimil says
9 years ago
msi afterburner is what i use. its great for making the fans do their job but if the fan is messed up its not going to matter. doesn't hurt to try it though.
9 years ago
It works with more cards just try it and speed up fans
9 years ago
The stressed temps are 80 degrees for that model card so you don't need to gain that much
9 years ago
SL is rough though lol on graphic cards
Tilly says
9 years ago
it's only recently i've been having issues, previously I could run SL and PS or SL and WoW at the same time with no problems
Tilly says
9 years ago
Thanks I'll try that link and see if it helps
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