Dave Wonl
10 years ago
Let me update you all on my shitty cousin
latest #40
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
Compared to all of the things she's done/said in the past idk six months since she's been here this takes the cake
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
We were talking about my brother. Now my brother is incredibly well behaved. We don't really have to discipline him.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
He comes home, does his homework before playing video games, etc.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
He's a pretty great kid as far as kids go and compared to me at his age he's a saint.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
He has a lot of bad habits built up and a huge amount of anger.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
All of these things stem from the fact that he was abused for three years. Socially he's relaxed, but he has a very explosive temper and regularly threatens to murder things in v violent ways.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
This is all learned behaviour from the man who abused him.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
And when it comes to this stuff my mom is a wet noodle and often times doesnt talk to him or discipline him when things get out of hand because he just collapses.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
So we're having some issues when it comes to discipline.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
My mom also has no problems letting other people discipline him because then she isn't the bad guy.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
Again, all related to the abuse he suffered.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
Abuse THEY suffered.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
He really needs therapy and IDK karate classes
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
(because of my cousin we cant really afford either one lol)
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
I was talking to my cousin about all of this and she decided that since the abuse was short term (a year) that they both should be over it by now.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
I told her uh no the abuse lasted almost four and it was bad enough that I fucking left because I had an out.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
And I stayed gone because of it. I left the fucking /country/.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
I told her he was verbally, mentally, and sexually abused by that man and it was really fucking understandable that, being abused during your formative years, you develop shitty habits.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
It made me fucking ill.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
You don't get to decide when someone "gets over" abuse.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
Especially if you're not involved in any way.
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
im screaming
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
And it makes me fucking scared of what shit she's putting in my brothers head
10 years ago
holy shit
10 years ago
thats the feeling i get whenever my mom is doing something weird when it comes to peoples feelings since she also is a psychologist xD
10 years ago
but holy actual shit
10 years ago
like can she not
10 years ago
why do you talk to her
10 years ago
i would gently stop if at all possible :T;
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
Not only does she have a psychology degree she's Mormon so she's doubling up on the shit like
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
When we were talking she told me that he was raging at GTA and was tired of hearing it so she was like
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
Don't you think the lord finds those things really ugly
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
So instead of teaching him right from wrong because it's morally right she leans in the manipulation of religion to get her way
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
If you need to use religion to differentiate between right and wrong it isnt an issue of morality
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
And I wish I could not talk to her.
10 years ago
i think also maybe you should try and talk to your brother like in a sibling way
10 years ago
idk if you guys are in the relationship that you can talk to him but maybe be like SO OUR COUSIN IS BEING HORRIBLE AND IM HERE FOR YOU
10 years ago
/but in a also maybe tone down on the violent language in front of her sort of way
Dave Wonl
10 years ago
If he or my mom ever had two seconds to themselves I might be able to. But she just hovers all the God damned time
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