Tbird0123 says
10 years ago
Alas, I am bidding plurk ado! Most of the connections I've made either I see on ravelry or Instagram. It's not you it's me. I'm Tbird0123 on both if you wanna see me.
latest #8
RozinPDX says
10 years ago
we'll miss you, but will be here if you want to check in now & then
Mim58 says
10 years ago
See you there!
knitcroc says
10 years ago
all the best xxxx
bellasocks says
10 years ago
I'm bellasocks on ig. See you there!
Bernadette says
10 years ago
I'm knitchick on rav and chickieknits on ig
Mim58 says
10 years ago
Mim_lily on IG
mz. says
10 years ago
mzundercover on Rav, IG, and probably everywhere else on the web :-) hope to see you other places on the interwebs!
Deb425 says
10 years ago
I will miss you!
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