9 years ago
so my professor told me yesterday he wants me to drop out of the program, threatened me with probation, and generally bullied me to tears
latest #14
9 years ago
and told me such things as "I don't know where the intelligent and interesting girl who came here two years ago went"
9 years ago
and "oh the lab is such a supportive place full of good people"
9 years ago
no, no its not and its never been since I've been here
9 years ago
tried to blame me for the fact he has never taught me anything at all while I've been here
9 years ago
and never been a supervisor to me ever
9 years ago
thinks your professor sounds like a real asshole!
9 years ago
asks if you can appeal to someone higher up than him? I'm hoping his that is an empty one - but even if it is, this bullying behavior is unprofessional!
9 years ago
says he should be teaching and mentoring you - that's his job here and he's failed at it
9 years ago
offers hugs and support
9 years ago
oh darling, I need to give you a huge hug when I (hopefully?) see you on Saturday
9 years ago
and yes, that sounds extremely inappropriate of your professor! People in positions of authority like that are supposed to be supportive and try to fix issues, not just blame their students >|
9 years ago
That intelligent and interesting girl is still intelligent and interesting!
9 years ago
The mental health professional you were talking to -- can they do anything to help support you?
panicmoon says
9 years ago
sorry I just realized that my phone garbled one of the things I said earlier. It should have said: I'm hoping his threat is an empty one - but even if it is, this bullying behavior is unprofessional!
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