athenaprime says
10 years ago
so...Cuba. Sorta came outta nowhere.
Hawtwyre says
10 years ago
Not really. When Obama ran for first term there was a lot of talk and promises down here to normalize relations and drop the travel embargo.
Hawtwyre says
10 years ago
There was initially a push back from the former Cuban elite who were still hoping to get a US-funded coup to oust the regime in Cuba and allow them to return in a free-for-all grab for land and power.
Hawtwyre says
10 years ago
Second term election Obama admitted he'd shied away from reworking the cold war policy due to this pushback but the White House has met with many Cuban and Latin American interests since then.
Hawtwyre says
10 years ago
If something isn't done we face another "boat lift" scenario which would be a nightmare for both sides, politically and economically.
athenaprime says
10 years ago
Yeah, up here in Ohio, we're too covered in snow to get much noise about Cuba. But it seems like it's a good thing. Give them internets, and let the rest come naturally.