9 years ago
just finished watching "Cloud Atlas". Best movie ever!
latest #10
[Codie ~]#
9 years ago
i'm about half done. it's excellent, but freaking hard to follow in a 3h binge!
9 years ago
yeah I ended up watching it in hour chunks really, and probably will rewatch it now the same way.
9 years ago
I don't believe you.
9 years ago
don't then. still love you bro
ProfPaperclip is
9 years ago
withholding judgement about your judgement until he's seen it
9 years ago
prof you would like it. lippmann you'd probably hate it so you should watch it too
Betty B
9 years ago
Now go read the book! Such an exquisite journey through time. It gets more and more interesting as you uncover each little story and is so rewarding
9 years ago
I've seriously been considering reading it, even tho I have no attention span these days and hardly ever read
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