But I was looking for the rumors deck for ages just now
Ahahaha that's my problem too.
Took me freaking ages to figure out what the heck was going on xD
Right it's so confusing sometimes
im american and i can never remember which spelling is which
Like what do these people have against double vowels
I got used to it a little back when I was doing web development because it used the US spelling, but I still fumble all the time and mix up US and UK spelling.
well colours and romours looks wrong!! favourite is definitely right tho shut up spellcheck
Nooooo colours looks pretty
also, lazer? that looks like an 11 year old spelled it
Colors just looks rushed haha
...Lazer.... Eurghhh... O_O
...I will give you laser.
google says thats not right, actually.
I had a similar problem with the 'savior' deck
hmm. which was the word that had a z in it in american english but an s in non-american english??
My weirdest problem is that now I sometimes put the u in words that didn't have it to begin with because I'm so used to not being sure if it's ou or o..
Quite a few do I think, like hypnotise and organise
Haha it can be super confusing
ahh, those look better with z s to me. there's one i always think needs an s but has a z in maerican english tho
Ahh, I love how most English words look, especially apologise and organise
But I like how American words sound
I spent some time over there and came back home and everyone was correcting how I said thing
An English accent except for some Americanised words haha
I tend to write 'gray' a lot now just because Colors kinda beat that into me, I typed it on there so much. My Word document freaks out like "What do you call THAT"
i can never remembe the grey/gray diff
i wonder what it is on my colors site lmao
on the image file at least
11 instances of "grey" in my log file and 1 of "gray"
I can't remember if it's you or not, but someone always writes "grey" on my Switch It Up game
oh wow, i almost never use gray i guess
I don't see that it would be too important which one to use to be fair c: The only time it really confuses me is with deck names like I'm doing now
Colors just goes "nah, your silly English version doesn't exist, try again"
i wonder if there's any written out rule of which to use
I'm not sure... I wonder as well whether or not both can exist... like we have a savior deck, could I donate a saviour deck on the basis it's a different name, or not because it's the same word
i want to say we have amnesia amnesiac and amnesic??
Next on my 'Ember is confused' list - I was updating "Rainbow" to add Hijiri and noticed my name there and was like "I haven't mastered a deck called rainbow I don't even know what that deck is..."
And legit had to go look at pictures to remind myself -_-
I think this is an indicator that I should sleep soon haha

I am not alone xD
Alright, that should be the whole mastery list updated for each deck, but it was over 2 months worth so if I've made a mistake somewhere in all that, let me know
But that should be it o/ I'm off to bed
bwahaha our plan to get all 'yall english peeps to speak american english is all going according to plan
Thank you, I did very well c: Ahhhhhh it was all in the plan

maybe when I go to see my brother next year in Boston I won't get lol'ed at for my Englishness then haha
I'll be all Americanised by Colors xD