我覺得妳很會 social 啊~~~ 可能看對象是什麼樣的人吧?
v_vlll 真的是重點錯XDDD
我會initiate random coversation但不會continue(遠目)也不會拉到自己的目的(?)方向去><(只會無意義哈拉orz)
昨天是我們公司整個lower mainland的高層+副總出席的晚會,我大概只跟了一個人說話吧(而且一到現場馬上就想回家~~~(所以我就躲進廁所了orz))
I feel you Michelle... I feel like a cavewoman, so antisocial
azuo39 but you don't need to be social-able! b/c your profession is a lot more專業than mine...
ceyue: 我是覺得要是階層差太多的話很難搭的起話...@_@
像我自己, 一般去實習生/實習工程師的聚會都可以隨便哈拉.......去那種人人都是CEO/主工程師的聚會就整個囧. 不知道能聊啥
除非你是在做創業/尖端科技相關的工作...which then young minds like us actually have something valuable to share/discuss, which the CEOs may not be aware of and will be interested
silenceshiva: 一語驚醒夢中人⋯ 其實我們處理的事情可能差很多(雖然一定有某些程度上的關係),可是基本上不overlap所以也不知道問什麼(像我就看得出來做在我對面的女士很努力的想要跟我旁邊的男士繼續volunteer for Christmas的話題但太假了)加上聊random topic我又怕別人覺得我不專業⋯ 唉
haha ya...random topic別人看起來可能會和善的應對你, 但心理面可能在想why is this dude wasting my time (欸
So I maybe should not stress myself so much? Since the level I'm at so far isn't there anyways...
I was trying to social last night so much that I didn't enjoy it at all =__=
當然如果是很casual的那種christmas dinner那到是不用特別擔心, 可以跟別人聊少女漫畫有多棒 (被打
真的是太難以取悅了!random topic is my best friend man XDDD
Guess I really have to think about what I say before I spit them out. Sigh so tired why do I have to attend this kind of party XD
但如果是比較偏business mingling situations, 就進去吃東西喝酒就好
其實參加這種也是不錯啦....if you are not the only one
我去developer的Christmas Party也是很尷尬...因為上面階層的人基本上沒辦法聊的開 (not enough experience) , 但是我總是能找到1~2個跟我一樣尷尬的人搭話 XDDDDDD
只要找拿著酒杯站在餐桌旁邊獨自發呆的人就可以了, very easy!
很困難.... I hate socializing and mingling with a passion.... unless there's an actual PURPOSE like a trade show or something where I have some talking points prepared... 不然就是$^*@(%$@&!(^$@
i'm so glad i don't hav to go to these social events..mingling is nightmare XD always make sure u hav enuf food in ur plates and just continue chewing when u'r out of topic (oi
真的,就target people who are also alone and stick with them lol
Hahaha I totally feel you there!! 之前被丟到美國參加某個 conference/networking event 時也壓力超大...esp when ur the only person representing your company and you're there with the mission of getting ur company's name out~
If it's an internal company event though (more for ppl bonding), you don't have to keep the topics too formal and I think 閒聊 is okay too, ask them some questions as most of them like to talk abt themselves XD
sometimes it's easy to talk to the loners first and slowly work ur way to the groups, sometimes i find it easier to just dive into groups right away to get u rolling~
or you can help introduce the loner to the other ppl u meet too, once ur facilitating the conversation u don't have the sole pressure of keeping it going urself XD
and most important of all don't stress urself too much! just relax lah~ 就算沒話講 其他人也理解 (畢竟socializing不是每個人的強項, and being very social isn't the only way to be successful), 所以保持輕鬆心情就好XD 先喝個三杯再說
silenceshiva 是較偏向business的party... 其實是需要能夠表現自己的但我連酒都不喝是該怎麼辦(重點誤)
brokenvow 真的!!but what if the purpose is to 攀關係+認識高層+promote yourself? 一開頭就瓜拉瓜拉講自己好像不是很好......
nana123 sounds like an idea XDDD
azuo39 the thing is not a lot of ppl were like me!!! urgghhhh
v_vlll: aww thanks for the tips...
yah I don't to waste the chance to know 高層(or let them know about myself)as I don't get to see them much, and it is good to establish some kind of a relationship
if I need to ask for help from them it will be easier too. (but guess i just screw all things up
but yeah you are right! being very social isn't the only way to be successful!
raach 我這次發現外國人真的熱愛酒!!!dirty santa 最受歡迎的就是酒類...... but too bad 我真的無法以酒會友
沒關係啦妳不必靠酒就已經可以超越喝茫的level了....XDD (誒) dirty santa 最受歡迎的就是酒+1 我的 delirium beer 還是搶了四五次才搶來的好 intense...
and don't worry lah, mingling 就順其自然就好!! 妳這麼可愛高層一定會記得你的~~XD