曉紅 [RED]
9 years ago
[just need to put this out somewhere because wtf]
latest #14
曉紅 [RED]
9 years ago
the guy I've been sorta kinda crushing on invited me out to lunch
曉紅 [RED]
9 years ago
and then came out as gay in the car
曉紅 [RED]
9 years ago
and I guess I'm still kind of reeling from it?
[ 派 ]
9 years ago
曉紅 [RED]
9 years ago
because that's kind of something that you hear about in a joke or something, but I didn't ACTUALLY expect it to happen in real life????
[ 派 ]
9 years ago
[ 派 ]
9 years ago
you need some hugs
[ 派 ]
9 years ago
also hot chocolate
曉紅 [RED]
9 years ago
[ 派 ]
9 years ago
曉紅 [RED]
9 years ago
曉紅 [RED]
9 years ago
super yay for him, and I still wanna be great friends with him
曉紅 [RED]
9 years ago
but wow now it's three crushes I've ever had and none of them ended well
曮🐕 心悸牛仔@CWT67 分享
9 years ago
QAQ hugs
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