10 years ago
I listened to the second Girl Genius podcast, but they didn't say anything interesting.
10 years ago
10 years ago
I managed not to say that on Tumblr where I knew Carol Monahan might see it, although I did post the link with the comment that they don't address any Girl Genius storyline questions.
Tanarian wonders
10 years ago
why they're being so very very evasive.
10 years ago
Actually, they had the Linda person who I think replied nicely to some of the questions I sent in (I mean, not with actual answers, but yes-we-got-this replies) and I got my hopes up...
10 years ago
...And then they said they'd gotten a flood of mail about the Winslow's appearance, got off on the history of the Winslow as a stuffed animal and in Buck Godot, and never got back on (IMO) topic. :-P