I had to wake up at the butt of dawn to take my uncle to the butt doctor
he took me out to brunch afterwards and it was kind of nice spending time w my uncle
we had a lot of good conversation and i told him that he and my aunt were like really the only people who didnt give me shit about being gay and just the conversation afterwards was fantastic
like he gets it, you know? it doesn't bother me, everyone is a different person, etc.
and ended it all by saying hey you got the same interests i do what am i gonna complain about
I also had my post op today!
I'm cleared to work! Still no lifting more than ten pounds. The incision thats taking the longest to heal is the one inside. They did have to pull some stuff out my junk.
I'm not cleared for sex yet, not until January.
But I've been given the go ahead to fool around so my trip to ohio will be not completely shitty.
And, oh my god the thing i was worried about the most has cleared up and i seriously want to cry
She gave me a pelvic exam and oh my god it didnt hurt.
I was all tensed up and prepared for the pain like always and just... pressure. That's all there was!
She used a speculum and everything and there was no pain!
And as she was doing it shes like I know you hate this part and I said, well I hate it because it hurts, but this time it doesnt hurt at all!
And she said like, obviously this was the right decision to make. Your pain is gone, completely.
I've been making a conscious effort to wean myself off of my pain meds, too. Having taken them for months makes this kind of difficult.
They also put me on dilaudid which is like a step below morphine, but its really short acting so i have to take it really often and I start getting awful withdrawal symptoms rly fast.
Fortunately, I have a lot of tramadol left and it's long acting. Tramadol is hella easier to get off of than fucking dilaudid/morphine/p much heroin in pill form.
So I'm going to stop taking the dilaudid and instead just wean myself off the tramadol.
Ate a weed brownie yesterday and while it helped with the withdrawal symptoms i feel shitty today so weed is just a straight up no go for me. The THC I think makes me nauseous.
Woke up nauseous, etc. I had some p awesome anti nausea medicine and it just like took the edge off so I wasn't rly able to enjoy my ihop like I wanted >:
But that's okay cause now I have stuffed french toast
Okay I'm done yay good day.
She's been staying at DJs house a lot (with tysons consent cause the person they live with just refuses to turn on the heating idgi)
So like she comes home after 2 weeks of being with dj and being happy and all that
and she's just like wow, this is really shitty. i dont want to deal with this
also he's a piece of shit rapist and im not really sure how she lives with him
hello i am here you mentioned bitch faye got what was coming to her
/i read your whole plurk and im happy for you but i havent been able to go to ihop without having a panic attack since she said that shit about me so i would like to hear this too xDDDDDD
i hope this news gets rid of that >:
it might help. im embarrassed by how i acted but also upset at the way it was handled
and it makes me really uneasy. but like its her fucking fault for being the adult and talking shit about me within earshot
so it doesnt ease my anxiety but it makes me feel better that she ironically was the things she said i was