and this is awkward and embarrassing because I've been away for so long and now I come pelting back to ask for help/signal boosting
but I still exist and I love you all even if I suck at keeping in touch, and I hope things are going well for you
Your place sounds so nice, I wish I could throw my hat in.
hey you! <3 reblogging, replurking, sharing on facebook, and wishing you good luck!
replurking, just in case o/
Replurked, good luck, and hello again <3
Good luck! Nice to see you, I hope you are well <3
replurked and good luck! sadly all my contacts on the east coast have dried up.
Ah wow that's crazy my sister lives in the exact same area. Sadly she just started her lease and isn't likely to move.
also pinging
keytone8 because Boston. she would be more helpful than me lol.
i will send this info along to my friends o/
GOOD LUCK '^' it sounds lovely
It is lovely '^' I have visited and it is such a nice apartment
if i weren't broke as fuck and still job hunting i would totally look into this, since i'm out in north central mass
good luck on finding a new roomie
ahhh if only i could live with a cat
That sounds fantastic, I wish I was moving to Boston. Unfortunately, I need to finish university first.
I am not much help but I will signal boost!
Good luck! I will signal boost for you and cross my fingers!
/replurks. I have a few bostonians on my plurklist, perhaps they'll be interested or know someone who is?
oh hey you're right around the corner from me. I can ask around, but I'm looking for housemates as well so I don't know if I'll have any better luck finding someone for you. Sorry!
Promoted, shared, even reblogged on Tumblr.

Good luck!
well shit, I'd probably kill to live here
replurked and best of luck finding one! :U
It sounds basically perfect for you
Aw man, I wish I could afford to move that soon ;; Good luck!
sammywhatammy: it's exactly the kind of thing I always hope to find when I'm apartment-hunting and never actually find, but my lease isn't up until August.
Damn. Would it be very expensive to break?
sammywhatammy: Yeah, it would. Given the expenses of moving, that's really not something I want to do.

well maybe they'll need someone when your lease runs out
If I lived in the area I would love to help out, but that's a long ways from home.