Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
[family bullshit][safe space] So today I was probably the happiest I've been since Sunday. Vague on purpose
latest #46
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
And today, it's because of something that just...
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
a realization that just kept me smiling for like
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
an hour or two after it happened
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
(and then I got shopping exausted which is a thing for me especially around the holidays and frustration but I won't get into that)
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
So, today was the last formal meeting for my Fraternity, and the secret santa pot luck
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
(If I haven't brought this up before...Yes I am in a Frat, it's a professional frat so while there is drinky drinky it's mostly service service promoting our profession-y)
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
(and it's not a sorority, as it started out as male only but became co-ed. There are still a few all male chapters)
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
(and I'm one of the founders of our chapter, which is still the baby chapter of the north east region)
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
so, secret santa. I kinda forgot that meant I was getting something too, I was so focused on getting the person I was assigned something nice
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
I ended up with some of the seasonal stuff from Bath and Body Works, including hand sanitizer since we go through it like crazy at our internships. Especially during flu season)
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
(and it's good quality good smelling kind too)
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
and I bought two little gingerbread dolls to -you know what
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
I showed you the picture in an earlier plurk. it's that cute thing with the gingerbred people holding the gifts
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
She also asked for fruit like, yesterday, so I got a bunch of bananas and wrapped a ribbon around each one
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
(she loved it)
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
I ended up getting that disapearing Tardis mug, because they know I'm geeky and know I collect mugs like mad. If I was a dragon, my horde would be plush toys and mugs
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
and just
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
the comradery
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
just so great, everyone was smiling, and everyone was happy
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
even if some of the gifts were silly as hell
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
One of them almost burnt his face, because he thought the lighter he got was actually a breathlizer
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
Keep in mind, no alcohol at this pot luck (save for the ones given as gifts and not drank)
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
so he was totally sober
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
and just
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
the atmosphere. This is the feeling I like at holidays. Where the food is good (if only a little) and the people are good
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
and ask how you've been doing but know your leave is still a sore subject
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
and a thought crossed my head as I was smiling like crazy at everyone opening their gifts
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
"Family really is those you choose"
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
And I just
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
I feel good
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
I mean, not great anymroe because shopping fatigue, but
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
right then and there, I felt...euphoric.
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
which hasn't been a thing for a long while.
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
I felt loved, and cared for, even if people don't 100% get me, they still care for me and treat me with respect
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
(I'm like one of the few of age members that doesn't drink a lot. Usually because I drive alone there and don't trust me drinking and driving to any extent, but also
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
because I go from I LOVE EVERYTHING drunk to "I hate the world everything sucks I just want to curl up and die" depressed drunk very quickly and I haven't determined at which point that is yet
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
Like, amount wise.
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
so I'm cautioys
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
I'm also shy and unsure of myself and have a big voice when needed
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
and they just...accept me
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
I don't worry about them talking about me behind my back, which is rare for people I don't frequently hang out with
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
This. This is the kind of family I want.
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
One that is made of my choosing, that I know will support me no matter what and will never force me into a toxic situation (They;'re actually really good when I refuse drinks)
Colonel Pervert
10 years ago
aliencereal crafty_elephant I just feel good. And safe posting this here as long as I'm vague
10 years ago
I'm glad you're happy c:
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