If you received a comment from astralrain, competelyordinary, thewildflower, balanceboard, thinglike, i_so_happy, sisumama, tsugaikaze, maidenhearted, fish_or_die, travelmate, or h8r, it was me.
All 12 of my gifts were IC.
So if you know Dialny, Caitie, Veth, Melissa, or Dieneces and want to pass it on that it was me, please do so! Otherwise I’ll let them know when I’m less tired.
I had a feeling it was you. Bless you.
Well geeze, not all of us have a billion DW accounts to go around in character and give gifts.... kidding of course cause darn that is a lot of accounts there!
I think it's quite sweet though, a very cool idea there
Ralene, I wish I'd hit you up, at one point I just picked names off the members list that I recognized because I was running low on ideas
I'll hit you next time
that wii fit trainer one is amazing...
..Rune wins the Advent Calendar everyone else go home
my favorite is the wii fit trainer one haha
but the natalia one is pretty