10 years ago
I can't stand it when my mother accepts something for me on the condition that I call the person and talk to them on the phone to thank them. No. I don't freakin want it if that's the terms. I don't do calls.
latest #6
10 years ago
I know that sounds weird, but in rl I'm almost completely mute and I don't talk to unfamiliar people even if I'm related to them. I won't even talk to my best friend on the phone. I don't do phones.
ღ inusweets ღ
10 years ago
CielReikaz: Omg. I want to add you inworld right now. Most people don't understand my deep hatred of phones.
ღ inusweets ღ
10 years ago
My parents forced me to get for emergencies and whatnot. Ugh.
10 years ago
Inuoko: Haha, Add me! my SL name is Ciel Reikaz
10 years ago
I know those feels. I can barely make my own doc. appointments. The only person I actually talk to, which is still difficult, is Lex. (pokerface)
10 years ago
I had trouble calling my own parents during an emergency @_@
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